Nick and Selena Part 1

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Nick's POV

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Nick's POV

Tonight I am throwing a  celebration dinner for Selena to congratulate her amazing success on her new song. I always knew that she wanted to put this song out and few days back she told me that this was her moment and now it's here.

End of Nick's POV

Nick and Selena arrive at the restaurant and they enter to see Demi and Joe with Faith and Hope, and Kevin and Danielle with their girls.

"Congratulations Aunty Selly." Alena, Valentina and Faith say in unison. They run towards Selena and hug her. 

"Ohh thank you so much my dear sweet girls," Selena replied leaning down just a little bit hug them her belly has gotten so huge she can barely lean over.

"Congrats bestie," Demi says walking over to Selena while holding Faith she hugs her.

"Thanks Demi," Selena hugs Demi back .Hope reaches out to get Selena to hold her.

"And thank you sweetheart," Selena takes Hope into her arms. The toddler leans over and kisses Selena on her cheek.

"She's just been loving kissing people on the cheek," Demi explained. 

 Selena groans a feeling her back begin to ache under the weight of holding Hope. 

"You feeling okay," Demi looks at Selena, worried.

"No I'm fine just my back is hurting carrying this baby in my belly I have a feeling she is going to be big," Selena says adjusting herself a little bit.

"Well sit down you probably shouldn't be holding Hope if it's causing you back pain." Demi replies taking Hope who then starts to cry. 

"Okay Uncle Nick is to the rescue." Nick comes up behind them and takes Hope into his arms. She calms down laying her head down on his shoulder.

"It still amazes me how you do that." Demi looks at Nick and how he acts with Hope. Shaking her head. Selena giggles a little.

"So...... Lose You To Love Me." Demi trails off looking at Selena. 

"I cried like a baby when I first listened to it." She admitted. 

 Selena smiles and takes her hand.

"I somehow knew that was going to be your reaction, everyone's reaction was the same you know my papa cried too, then I cried again." Selena was overwhelmed that her song has connected with so many people. 

"Yeah..... now I don't want to make you freak out or anything but.... um why didn't you say anything before." Demi replied moving closer to Selena still holding her hand. 

Selena takes in a deep breath.

"I-I guess....... I was more trying to put out their that I had everything together when in reality I didn't. I was broken and he was using that against me ,threatening to leave me and find someone else. He would always do and I look back at our past he was doing that all the time and now I don't care if he is hurt by it. He should know the  pain he put me through." 

"My side of the story is out and it's about damn time." She smiled in that victory. 

"Now I'm done with that and ready for this new chapter and this little girl to come on out." Selena rubs her belly gently.

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