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Hello my darlings! For those who stumbled upon this, consider this chapter our introduction.

Hypnosis is a strong and powerful tool. It is unlike anything you have seen in the movies: real hypnosis is such safer and much more fun. Trance is a normal part of life and, in fact, you are in a trance right now.

Yes, you heard that right: just reading these words has put you in a natural state of trance. Notice the way your eyes glide from one word to the next, effortlessly following along... This all means that you are in a light state of trance... This can only happen if you want it to. You could stop reading at any moment, if you wanted to, but you don't want to. You keep reading these words because you want to read these words, because you want to deepen this amazing state of trance..

Deepening this state of focus is very easy, too. With each word, it becomes easier and easier to focus. With each word, you find yourself looking for the next, and the next, and allowing the rest of your mind to fade and relax. You are only relaxing because you want to relax. You want to find the next word and to let yourself relax and to let your mind relax and to feel this amazing feeling of freedom..

Trance is such a natural state, such a wonderful thing. You want to let yourself come to this amazing state where you don't have to worry, when you don't have to think, when you are free... All you have to do is let your eyes glide from one word to the next, effortlessly.. Let yourself relax.. You are doing so well.

Your body tries to find a more comfortable position.. Let it. Let yourself get comfortable and relaxed to be able to more easily read each and every word... Let yourself feel safe and warm and comfortable to be able to drop into this amazing state of relaxation...

You are safe here. You are relaxed and comfortable and safe... It is your choice to go deeper, it is your choice to keep reading, it is your choice to keep relaxing... It is natural to want to come deeper and deeper, because you know that you have complete control of what you want to happen... You allow yourself to relax: that's why you are relaxing so easily.... You allow yourself to read, and that's why these words flow so effortlessly into your eyes, into your mind...

You have another choice now... You can choose how long to stay under this amazing and wonderful state of trance... You can keep feeling yourself sink deeper and deeper for a minute, or five, or ten, or longer... It is your choice how long you want to stay focused and relaxed and warm and safe... When you want to come back up, just let your eyes flow to the next paragraph. I'll be waiting...

I hope you had an amazing time under this deep trance, but now it is time I bring you back... You will still feel relaxed and happy, even as you return to your usual state of awareness.

First, we will lighten the trance. That is very easy to do. You first start noticing your body more and more.. You start realizing how deep you went as you notice your surroundings, too. Maybe sounds come first, and you notice how you were able to forget them until now. Maybe you feel the smells next, or the fact that your body wants to move after being so relaxed. When you are ready, let your eyes leave these words. Blink a few times, stretch your body. Notice how you are feeling more aware, more awake, as you do.

You did so well. Welcome back!

This chapter was a brief introduction to hypnosis and trance. I hope it helped you understand that it is a safe and wonderful experience where you can experience anything you want to. Just make sure that you are safe and that you trust the sources you are reading, because some people still believe it is like in the movies!

If you have any questions, wonderings or worries, leave them in the comments. Hopefully the next chapter will be a little FAQ about hypnosis, so I'd love to hear all your suggestions.

I'll see you then. Goodbye!

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