Chapter 2 - Math Sucks

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Chapter 2 - Math Sucks

        “Oh my gosh Alex are you ok?” Brent asked rushing over to my side. He helped me up as a crowd started to form around us. Using as much force as he could he tried to push people back as everyone worriedly checked Theo over from his spot on the ground.


        “Um, yeah…” I mumbled as I placed my hand over my head. I was so stupid, why didn’t I look before I went out like that. Theo got hurt thanks to me being frantic over what a silly teacher was going to say about my tardiness. “Theo I am so sorry again.”


        Theo smiled at me and was about to reply when someone else came into view. “Why don’t you watch where you are going next time!” A young man about our age had shoved his way through the crowd and was glaring at me. “Do you know what would have happened if I would have hit you!?” His brown eyes were blazing with a fire of anger and the corner of his lips turned down to deepen his frown.


        “Hey back off man,” Theo demanded, standing in front of me. I sighed happily at how quickly Theo came to my rescue. I pried my attention away from Theo and focused it back on the boy standing face to face with Theo now. They were about the same in height and both were lean, yet there was something about the boy that gave of the dangerous vibe.


        “Well look at the little prince coming to save the girl,” he scoffed, moving closer to Theo. His eyes made their way over to me and lingered for a few moments. The darkness in which they possessed made chills run up my spine, a chill that screamed you should be afraid of him.


        “I didn’t mean to run out,” I tried to reason with him. “We were going to be late for school and I didn’t think about it at the time.” The crowd started to whisper as Theo continued to glare at the side of the guys head.


        “Well thanks to you, now we all are going to be late.” He threw his hands up and turned around, shooting us one last glare before storming off back to his car. “Whatever, I don’t freaking care anymore.”


        There was a momentary silence that covered the small group of people before it was gone once more. “I think we need to get going if you want to make it to finish at least half of your test,” Theo joked.


        I threw him an awkward smile before heading over to the truck. I couldn’t find it in my to actually say something now, it was like my brain had shut down and went into hibernation. I felt like I would say something stupid and then Theo would catch on to my recently discovered crush on him. To be honest, I had no clue on how I was going to handle the situation. “Erm, yeah…”


        He threw me a confused glance before igniting the truck and took off in the direction of school. “I can already tell you that someone found out about the accident,” he sighed with an eyeroll. “I wish I could stick with you today just to make sure you didn’t get any heat for what happened.”


        I felt a blush rise onto my cheeks and I focused my attention on the passing trees. “Yeah well I have learned to push things like that away, gossip is gossip.” I looked over at the school slowly starting to come up through the trees and wished that the ground would have swallowed me up. “Who was that guy who looked like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed?”

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