Chapter 5 - Interuption

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Chapter 5 - Interuption

    I hobbled out of the nurse’s office with a frown of pain on my face. Half of the christmas decorations had been cleaned up by the janitor now and people were chatting loudly throughout the hallways as they waited for the bell to ring for lunch.

    “Alex!” Theo called out when he looked up from his conversation with one of his buddies from the team. He patted him on the back and quickly walked over to me with a smile on his face. “I have been waiting here all morning, what did the nurse say?”

    I grimaced when I went to move and quickly turned away so he wouldn’t feel bad. “She had me lay down with an ice pack on my back for a bit. She said that it was pretty bad but the bruising should go down in about a week or two.”

    “I feel horrible about this A..”

    You should…. I muttered to myself and instantly regretted it because I knew it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know that I was going to throw myself into the embrace of the amazingly hot Foster. “There is no reason for you to feel horrible Theo I said it was ok.”

    “How about I make it up to you?” He questioned while grabbing my books from my hands. He had a dazzling smile on his face and eye lit up in excitement as though he had the best plan to make everything better.

    I felt my stomach flip at his nice gesture to carry my books and nodded for him to continue. “What do you have in mind?”

    “Hot chocolate after school?”

    He knew my weakness too well.... “With marshmallows?” I asked playfully as though challenging him to say no.

    He caught on pretty quickly and sent me a sly smile, “and whip cream.”

    “That sounds like a deal breaker right there,” I joked with a small laugh. We turned the corner just as the bell rang and everyone started making their way to the lunch room. Slamming lockers and scattered laughter filled my ears, and I glanced around at the people. A head full of dark hair caught my attention and I knew who it was all too well.

    “So the principal gave me a warning,” Theo said breaking me out of my thoughts. “I explained to him that you hit your back on the door when me and Foster were arguing. I told him it was a misunderstanding and it wouldn’t happen again.”

    “Better not,” I warned with a small deadly glare. “I still can’t believe you got in a fight with Foster because he was talking to me. I find it ridiculous that you have to start something over a small little thing like that; really Theo?” I scolded him.

    “Alex if you knew my reasoning behind why I do things then you would be thinking something totally different.” he responded slowly. His mood suddenly changed to one which seemed more grim and his head hung low. To be honest it was a little frightening seeing Theo so down in the dumps over something.

    “You know you can tell me anything, what is your reason?” I asked.

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