No excuse...

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It all started innocently
He went down on one knee
In the midst of a whirlwind romance
And proposed to her after a dance.

A rose and a bit of bling in his hand
He got her to stand
Right where he wanted her
She didn't know soon her life would be over.

First, he couldn't control his jealousy,
She learned to lower her gaze quickly
Or she would pay severely.
Then she learned to disguise her body
Under shapeless garments,
One by one, he took all her ornaments
And made such a fuss that she left
Her job, hoping he would change for the best.

Vain hope, if you ask me,
Abusers don't change that easily.

The first slap came when dinner was late
Then others followed when he was irate,
With or without reason, she fast became
His punching bag and to her great shame
She kept quiet. She even made excuses
Every time he blew some fuses
And her body was black and blue
She did not have a clue
As what to do to save herself.

There was nothing else
To do but to wait for a slow death
Hers or his, it did not matter.

For years she lived in fear
She lived behind the wall of silence
She erected  in the absence
Of a better defense.

She lost her friends, her family,
Even her dignity and her sanity.
Humiliated and rejected
She still kept him well protected
From man made justice.
But he won't escape divine justice,
Him and others
For that matter,
Call it Hell, call it Karma, call it Retribution,
One has to pay for transgression
For using one's fist
Instead of using one's brain, it's not fit,
Abuse is abuse,
A depravity nothing can excuse...

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