3.) The signs as poems

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Here is the signs as poems! Each sign has their own poem relating to them in a specific way.

"Loving me is a tug of war. I aim to please but I won't be ignored, love me at my worst, I'll give you my best, but let it be true, I'll accept nothing less."

♉️ Taurus;
"I don't chase what doesn't make me better in the end . And that includes fake or so-called friends, I love hard yes, but foolish I'm not. I have no problem with someone taking your slot."

"Some understand me,
some don't. Some will love me, others won't. I switch things up often, to figure what's best. It's my life to live, can't always worry about the rest."

"The people who know my heart know I like to play it smart. Give enough so I'm not a stranger but not too much, don't want my heart in danger"

" I've heard it all because of my passionate side. Understand my emotion, put the irritation aside. There's nothing I wouldn't do for ride or dies with a love that's real and won't be denied."

" I don't have it all figured out but I always find a way. When it comes to handling business, I do not play. I have my circle that holds me down. I don't need too many other people around"

" If you only knew the shit that goes through my head. But somethings are better left unsaid. The mind is a weapon and I use it wisely. There is not much I let get by me."

" I wear my heart on my sleeve, can give you love you won't believe. My actions or reactions to what I receive. So treat me right, don't try to deceive, because something I'm not is dumb or naïve."

" I'm in tune with myself therefore I act how I see fit. Everyone's quick to speak and really don't know shit. My heart is big it's something I guard. Don't expect to get love but show no regard."

" I'm like and old soul and old souls are wise. I see past all the frauds who put on a fake disguise, you can't please everyone so I don't try too. I just keep my VIPs around me, those I know to be true."

" People forget about the intellect and how vital it is. Figuring a person out should be more like a quiz. I like people who challenge me but in a good way, fuck the dumb shit, have something meaningful to say."

" I leave people to assume whatever they want. Sometimes it's better to not give it all up front. I know I'm genuine if you're the same with me. I let my heart display with the eyes can't see."

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