4.) Advice to the signs

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A/N (Please do not take any of the advice given to the signs personally! They are just suggestions and considerations. ☺️)

♈️ Aries;
Take in to consideration;
Wanting to be number 1 in all that you do is great, but to an extent. The problem can be when you start to feel it's a given right or that others are not as equipt to do a better job than you.
You might want to try;
Being alittle more humble and more appreciative of others efforts.

♉️ Taurus;
Take into consideration;
As modest and pleasing as you try to be to others, you often feel you get the short end of the stick. But sometimes over-extending yourself can be just as big a problem.
You might want to try;
Focusing on your needs more, it's not selfish. It's very necessary.

Take into consideration;
Nobody goes back-and-forth more than you do because your mind and desires are always changing. What do you think that does for the people around you?
You might want to try;
slowing down a little and thinking things through more before jet-setting Into action

Take into consideration;
The way you feel about things, no matter how great or small are your feelings alone. There's no need to get upset or overly upset or overly emotional when others don't feel the same way.
You might want to try;
Expressing more honestly what you're feeling and being okay with harsher advice or feedback.

Take into consideration;
You have a heart of gold, something people who are close to you realize. And being this way, it's hard for you to say "no" sometimes.
You might want to try;
Understanding that you don't have to accommodate wishes if in the long run you're unsatisfied.

Take into consideration;
You're someone who likes to pave the way for yourself and not afraid of being independent but you're also not the easiest to talk to sometimes, you can be defensive.
You might want to try;
Lightening up when things are said that you may not like or agree with. Everyone has opinions.

Take into consideration;
People seem to genuinely like you as a person. Ever ask yourself why that is? You have a lot to offer the world andthe people around you but never feel you have to sacrifice your happiness just to do so.
You might want to try;
Doing more of what makes you feel content, without hesitation.

Take into consideration;
Your love for (certain) people runs very deep but you're often paranoid about losing them in someway. This makes you act erratic at times and you can push people away without realizing it.
You might want to try;
Relaxing more because those who truly love you won't abuse that love.

Take into consideration;
You don't need to be told about your unfiltered mouth, you know that already. It works for you in the honesty department but it also leaves people feeling like you don't care sometimes.
You might want to try;
Remembering that words hurt you too, enough said.

Take into consideration;
You're a private person and no one can fault you for that. But you can't keep your life under lock and key but judge or nitpick at someone else's. We all have our things to deal with.
You might want to try;
Evaluating your life and why you're quick to point out others flaws.

Take into consideration;
You'll do things to make others take notice, both good and bad. But when you know you're doing something to get a rise out of someone, you have to be prepared for all outcomes.
You might want to try;
Letting go of situations that make you act out, you only regret it later.

Take into consideration;
You are full of emotions that are the norm to you but can be difficult for others to understand. You can't expect a facial expression or your lack of speaking to get through to everyone.
You might want to try;
Forms of expression that get your point across clearly and throughly.

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