7.)What the signs should leave in 2019

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(A/N) This chapter is a few days late I'm sorry but it's never too late! I hope you enjoy and understand this chapter!

♈️ Aries; Your doubt- because you've been hurt before, in 2019 you've been doubting yourself and others Which has only been making things worse you were meant to be confident open and trusting youDeserve so much and would you let go of all the doubt and distrust you have within you then you'll truly thrive.

♉️ Taurus; Your anger - you have to admit there's of anger and resentment inside of you and that's something you need to let go of. what happened is in the past and with uranus, the planet of change being in your sign, positive change is bound to happen for you

♊️Gemini; Your idea of perfection-you are so accepting of everyone else but you have this idea of perfection and who you're supposed to be and of course you can't live up to that. striving to be better is something to be proud of and that's what you should continue to do in 2020 but remember: nobody is perfect and that's okay perfectly

♋️Cancer; trying to please everyone– another year, another opportunity to make everyone happy? no! the person who you should be worried about making happy is you. you care so deeply about others but it's time to focus on yourself and stop worrying whether or not you're pleasing everyone else

♌️Leo; Procrastination - you and i both know that you're a determined person with a lot of goals, so why are you putting off everything for later? the time to get what you want out of life is right now, just believe in yourself and give it your best, i know you can do it

♍️Virgo; Your insecurities - despite being such a kind and loving person there's one major flaw to you: you can't stop criticizing yourself and picking your flaws apart. that's not doing you any good and i know it's easier said than done but this is definitely something you need to leave behind and with small steps and support from loved ones i hope you get there, because you truly deserve the best

♎️Libra; Blaming yourself - you have to stop blaming yourself for everything that goes wrong. because of everything that happened to you in the past few years you've learned to just accept the bad and blame it on yourself - that's not a good way to live, you have to demand better and know that most things simply aren't your fault

♏️Scorpio: Taking everything to heart – there's nothing wrong with being emotional, that's a virtue not a flaw, but sometimes you take it too far. not everyone has a personal grudge against you and some criticism really is just constructive. you need to stop taking everything to heart and realize that not everyone is against you

♐️Sagittarius: settling for less than you deserve – you're such a strong and amazing person, so why are you settling for less than you deserve? because of everything you went through you now just go along with anything you get out of life. that's no good, you and i both know you deserve way better and 2020 is your chance to fight for it. it's time to leave the settling for less behind

♑️Capricorn: Worrying too much - I get that you have a lot on your mind and so many things seem so important, but let me tell you, half of them aren't worth worrying about. instead of focusing on yourself and your needs you're wasting your time worrying on minuscule things, this is something you need to stop doing

♒️Aquarius: Your need to be superior - because of your insecurities you have this constant need to be better than others. you need to stop worrying about this and just enjoy the moment, you deserve so much more than constantly trying to compare your worth to others

♓️Pisces: You're need to escapein the past when things went wrong you'd look for an exit instead of confronting it head on, but we both know this didn't cause you any good. this is something you need to leave behind in 2019, because solving the problem rather than escaping it no matter how difficult it seems at first is what makes you stronger and what will prove to be the better option in the long run.

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