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•Ben's POV•
I never stood chance
I cried for mercy
I begged for my life to be spared
But it was slowly torn from me
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T O B Y ¡

•Toby's POV•
"B- Ben, where are you?" I whispered as I traced my fingers along the print of the missing poster on the kitchen table.

It's been 2 weeks now, and still no trace of Ben has been found. The idea that his father did something to him lingered in the back of my mind, but the thought made me incredibly sick.

My older sister Lyra walked in, before seeing me sitting at the kitchen table with the missing poster in my hand. She let out a distressed sigh and walked behind me, putting a hand on my back. "T- Toby," she stuttered, unable to find the words to comfort me.

"Lyra," I looked up at my beloved sister, "w- what if he's gone, f- forever?" Lyra looked to be on the verge of tears, to her, Ben was another younger brother. She opened her mouth to object but was soon interrupted by the phone ringing. The noise frightened both of us.

Lyra made her way slowly to the phone hanging on the wall before picking it up. "H- hello?" She managed to say into it.

I couldn't make out what the person on the other side was saying, but Lyra from the look that appeared on Lyra's face, I knew it wasn't good.

I watched in horror as Lyra gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. She slowly fell to the ground, her body dragging along the wall as tears began streaming down her face. She let go of the phone and it began swaying back and forth, hanging from the line.

I wasn't sure how to react, I felt frozen in place.  After a few heavy sobs Lyra spoke. "I- I'm sorry Toby. I'm so- so sorry." I couldn't say anything, I didn't have the strength.

Lyra's calmed a bit, but she didn't move. She stayed there for a few minutes before standing up. Her blue eyes glistened with tears as she sat in the wooden chair across from me.

"T- they found a body, in a lake," Lyra said, trying to explain, "there's a chance it's not him, but they're pretty sure it is." Her sentences were chopped up with sobs as she continued, "Th- there were cuts. Everywhere, and-" she couldn't even finish her sentence as she began crying again. My body finally began registering what had happened, and my fingers began to twitch. "I'm just going to say that," Lyra paused, running her fingers through her soft, blonde hair, "if it is Ben, he's in a much, much better place now."

Lyra stood slowly from the table and walked out of the kitchen, presumably to go to her room, leaving me alone, with an empty feeling in my stomach.

Thoughts began running through my head, it was all happening so fast. My brain ran through all of those years I spent with Ben. Ever since I was 2 years old, we've been inseparable. We did everything together, we shared everything with each other, and in these past few months Ben even felt comfortable enough to share his confusion about his sexuality with me. He's 13, he's too young to die. I know there's still a small chance he's alive but with my luck there's no point in having hope anymore.

I didn't even realize that I stood up and walked to my room, where I sat on my bed.

My ears began ringing, I don't know why I thought of this but I read somewhere that when your ears ring a spirit is trying to contact you.

"I hear you Ben."

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