Chapter 30

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Back at the dark place, China had never been so guilty right now. He sat down on the corner looking so upset, and regret everything he had done. The terrorist noticed him and went over, thought that the chinese country is being a total whimp.

ISIS: "Hey Chin, don't be such a sad've done exactly what I want"

China: "What about what I promised-"

ISIS: "Yeah yeah thought i'd forget all about our little deal, Bitch?"

China scoffed and looked away. He totally regret about working with ISIS in the first place now. ISIS didn't like about China's actions, he grabbed him by his shirt and looked at him with a furious expression.

ISIS: "Don't act so bitchy around me, don't wanna get beaten up again, now do you~"

ISIS dropped China harshfully, and left him on the cold concrete floor. It made China spit a bit of blood in his mouth, and let out a quiet growl. He stood up, and not minding the pain in his body.

~Time Skip~

ISIS: "Everything is going as's too bad Philip isn't here to stop me-"

Philip: "Oh! Boy you wish"

China and ISIS looked at the metal door, and saw Philip and the other countries. China was pleased and terrified to see his friends again, it's been days since he saw them and they'll found out about his actions sooner or later. ISIS on the other hand just let out a smirk and looked at them with a devilish look, he thought it was too soon to see them.

ISIS: "Well well well, let me look at some other countries you brought to their deaths, must be Russia, that american country's sicko 'boyfriend'..and you must be Taiwan that China's talking about-"

China: "ISIS! Let them be..."

The other countries gasped in shock, especially Taiwan. They wouldn't believe their eyes to see China. ISIS scoffed when he was about to attack them, he let China go to them to talk.

China: "H-hey guys-"

Japan: "China-kun, w-what are you doing here? What are you doing with him? In this secret underground place?"

China didn't answered Japan's questions, and looked down at the floor.

America: "Don't tell us're...working with him. Are you China?"

China nod in response, but still didn't made eye contact with them. They were in pure shock, they couldn't believe China would ever team up with a terrorist. After a whole minute of silence, things got violent in a flash. Spain punched China on his face, China fell hard once again on the concrete floor. The other countries stopped Spain from hurting China, ISIS didn't do anything and just watched them from afar.

Spain: "TU HIJO DE PERRA!! USTED PEQUEÑO JODER!!! How could you even work with ISIS? Didn't you know how much pain he had caused already!? What if he hurts us again!!!'re the one who kidnapped Phillis, DIDN'T YOU!!??"

The five countries are struggling to stop Spain, he wouldn't stop moving. China looked at them and stood up, holding his right arm weakly. After a few seconds, China shouted which made all the other countries froze and their eyes widened.

China: "YES!!...I was the one who kidnapped Phillis, it was just part our deal-"

Philip: "WHAT DEAL!!?"

Philip burst out in tears, Spain hold him tightly while the moved beside Philip.

China: "If I kidnap Phillis, ISIS would do anything for me and promised nobody will get hurt..."

Philip: "What exactly did you asked for?..."

The chinese country paused for a moment, and looked at Philip. Spain looked where he's looking and held Philip more tightly, but not in a hurtful way though. China took a deep sigh and continued.

China: "I..I asked him Philip fell in love with me"

Silence filled the entire room, until they heard a slow clap from the terrorist himself. He went between China and the other countries, with a smirk on his face and let out chuckle.

ISIS: "Oh what a scene...such drama, such tragedy...this would be a great scene for a story am I right?..."

He then attacked the countries in the speed of light, one punch to another. He dusted his clothing and looked at the badly hurt countries. He went over to Philip and looked down at him with delight.

ISIS: "And there's someone I want you to meet, Philip...someone you haven't seen for a very. Long. Time"

With a snap of his fingers, a figure appeared from the shadows. It's a girl. She looks just like Philip, but reverse and she's wearing a military outfit. She looked at them with an evil look with a sinister smile. Philip looked petrified, and couldn't move. He couldn't believe what he just saw.

???: "Hello everyone~..."

(Hi everyone, I know this chapter kinda sucks but i'm doing the best I can since i've been busy and having writersblock lately...I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and see ya)

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