Chapter 2 - DILEMMA

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You and Germany were just walking home after class had finished, as you agreed to study at his house.
You were just outside his house when you remembered that you hadn't told your parents about your upcoming study session,
"Oh! right! Hold on, I need to tell my Mum - (Or Mom, I'm british though ;w;) - and tell her about the studying session thingy,"
As you say that, with multiple hand movements, Germany nods and takes out his keys to unlock the door.
They made a jingling noise, metal against metal. The noise went straight through you, almost as if a cold finger ran across your spine and sent a shiver down it. Although you tried not to make a big deal about it.
You pulled out your phone, shivering slightly from the cold November winds. As you pulled out your phone, Germany looked at you, placing the key in the keyhole and starting to twist it, the keyrings jingled again. You slowly opened the phone app and pressed the contact labelled
"Mum ~ 💜"
As you pressed it a feeling in your heart erupted, a sinking feeling.
You had no credit, you couldn't contact anyone, not even through text.
You mumbled under your breath;
Germany looks at you, confused. Still turning the keys, he asks;
"What? Something wrong?"
"Yeah, I can't call my Mum, 'got no credit." As you say that, you bite the side of your cheek from the inside of your mouth - a bad habit of yours, it caused you multiple cuts and ulcers on your cheek, it stings. - and shrug, still looking down at your phone. 'Nothing I can do now, I already agreed to study with him.' you thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2019 ⏰

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