when you take your crushes boxers

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lmao i- anyways i'm going to hell no matter what so....
fandom: Yandere High School Minecraft Roleplay
ship: Samgladiator x Dom
rated: 18+ bruvva

Dom sat behind the school, Sams boxers in his left hand and his dick in his right. He sniffed them. Ahhh, they smelled of Sam, as they should of course. His right hand went faster and faster and as he reached climax. Honestly, he couldn't believe he had the balls to steal Sams boxers, it just kinda...happened. Right place right time you know? Speaking of which, Dom jolted to a halt when he heard a familiar voice in his ear.

"Well well well..look at what we have here! The kid who bullies me by day, jerks off to my boxers by night." said Sam, you could feel the cockiness in his voice. Dom could feel his dick harden in his hand, yet tears threatened to spill from his eyes. Sam looks down at him in a disapproving manner. "Not gonna say anything?" he says in a harsh tone making Dom uncomfortable. Sam (for once) sees that he's about to cry and changes his manner completely. "Woah hey hey uh..! it's no big deal really! it's okay! Dom?" he says sweetly. "Oh! uhm-!" Sam stutters, as his hand grabs Doms hard dick. Dom yelps, he didn't expect Sam to do THAT. Sam starts stroking it softly while Dom looks like he's gonna melt. "You like that right? You wanted this didn't you, dirty boy?" Sam purrs in his ear. "ᵃʰ⁻..ˢᵃᵐ ᶦ⁻" Dom mumbles. He sees Sam reach for his zipper and his heart skips a beat.

Sam unzips his pants and lets his dick go freely, he turns to look at Dom with a smirk. "Well come on...dirty homeless boys still need to eat right?" Sam told him, and Dom got on his knees and took a hold of Sams hard dick. For a rabbit he sure is big, Dom thought as he opened his mouth and let Sams dick enter it. "Ahh...guess the dirty boy did want the meal after all.." Sam smirks. Dom bobbed his head on the rabbit boys hard cock but it seems he was going too slow since with a sudden movement Sam thrusted into his mouth, earning a gag from Dom. He kept going and Dom swore he was about to throw up, but his dick twitched in excitement. Sam finally came to a halt as he held Doms head to his stomach, smashing his face right up against him as he came in Doms warm throat. He pulled away and Dom started coughing like crazy. "Ah..couldn't handle it could you, dirty little homeless boy?" Sam teased. "I-i can handle it! I'm-.." Dom choked out before Sam kissed him roughly. Dom tensed up at first, but then melted into the kiss as Sams tongue explored his mouth. His hands went everywhere on Doms body, and Dom craved more. He wanted Sam to hurry up and make him feel so so so so so good! But he also loved this, when Sam actually slowed down and showed that he cared. Dom loved those moments since they rarely happened. He opened his eyes to see Sams open as well. They broke the kiss and breathed heavily. Dom smiled. Sam looked sweaty and red and Dom was absolutely loving it, his dick practically yearned for this. "Could you...touch me..? Please..?" he choked out while looking at the ground. Sam smirked. He lowered Dom back to the ground as well as himself. "Beg for it." Sam purred. Dom stuttered out a "wh-what?" and Sam repeated himself. "Beg for it. Beg for me to touch your dirty homeless dick. Beg for my kisses which you seem to love so much. Beg for it all. Or ya know, i'll just leave and tell everyone you steal undies." Dom went red red. "Please Sam. Please touch me. Touch my dick please." he got closer to Sam, Sam let him. "Please oh god please I want this so bad, please I love you so much I want you to touch me and make me feel good" Dom begged, it wasn't until a few seconds passed he realized what he said, he looked down at his lap and didn't dare look back up. "You...you love me..?" Sam stuttered, his face red and sweaty. He wasn't sure if he heard it right. He thought maybe Dom was pranking him and trying to take the lead with a cruel choice of words. Tears welled up in eyes but he didn't really know why. Dom spoke again. "YES! I LOVE YOU ALRIGHT!" He shouted, moving his head upwards to see Sam with tears rolling down his cheeks. "Ah- I-I'm sorry I! I didn't know I-" Dom tried to apologize but Sam just kissed him again. It was..rougher this time. A bit too rough. He could feel Sam gripping his shoulders with a very, very strong grip. Dom still liked it though, until Sams rabbit like teeth sank into Doms bottom lip, making Dom jump but he couldn't move. Sam was still holding him, sucking the blood from his lip wound roughly as if he were some sort of lip vampire. Dom shivered as he felt Sams knee against his hot dick, he dared not move. Sam pulled away and positioned himself infront of Dom. "Hah...you...!! y-y-you really love me huh?!?! DO YOU REALLY LOVE ME?!?! FUCKING PROVE IT YOU DIRTY HOMELESS BOY!!?!?" Sam screamed, unaware that people could still be inside of the school. Dom tensed up. Did he..want this?? Sam was kinda scaring him but his body betrayed his thoughts as he spread his legs for Sam to enter him. He sure took his sweet time though. Sam just..stared. "I KNOW!!! Ah..hah!! here!! YOU'LL LOVE IT I PROMISE!?!?!!" Sam screamed yet again as he pulled out a small pocket knife. Dom assumed he got it from Yuki but he didn't ask, he just froze in the moment. Sams knife grazed across Doms thigh, just enough for an uncomfortable feeling. Dom relaxed a bit, but that was short lived since Sam plunged his knife into Doms thigh. "F-FUCK!" Dom yelped, Sam just stared again. Dom swore he could see drool coming out of Sams mouth. "So...pretty...you stupid dirty little homeless boy...you love me..yeah right...as if you'll endure such a thing.." Sam sneered as he pulled out his pocket and zipped his pants up. "W-WAIT-!" Dom shrieked, aware of how much blood he was losing. "You're not gonna...help me..?" He breathed heavily. Sam sighed and pointed to his briefs. "Use those. I won't be needing them anytime soon." He said coldly and walked off.

bruh idk it's 2:05am there's probably so many errors but yk 💕💕
i might continue this in a part 2 but idk sis 😬😳💕💖💞💖💕💞💖💞

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