when you trick your coworker into thinking you're a vampire

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fandoms: the office
ship: jim x dwight
rated: lmao bro you already know 18+ 🗿🗿

They were at a halloween office party. It was...calm. Not really a party, more of a gathering in costumes and light chatter. Jim glanced down at his red solo cup which was filled with apple juice and his stomach began to churn. He hasn't eaten since breakfast, and it's well past noon. He just wasn't hungry then...that old excuse. Dwight eyed him from the side of the room. Prior to this, Jim had convinced Dwight that he's a vampire, all because of the bat incident, since then Dwight has fully believed that Jim is actually a vampire, or well, he thinks. But Jim knows he's got him fooled. The bad side to this is he can't even drink normal apple juice in front of him, it'll blow his cover. "Jim. Dressed as a vampire I see.." Dwight said, kinda startling Jim since he wasn't paying attention, but he didn't let it show. Oh. Right. I forgot to mention, Jim is wearing a vampire costume, he thought it would fit and it's not like anyone would know. "Ah yeah...I guess it helps me feel safe..you know? I can let my true self shine and no one knows!" Jim whispered into Dwights ear. "Oh and...Dwight..I'm getting a bit hungry..could you meet me in the bathroom in five minutes?" Dwight froze. Now?? Of all the times he could be hungry..now??? "Fine." is all Dwight said before he walked away. The only reason Jim is calling him to the bathroom is so he can tell him it's been a prank this whole time, plus he's seriously hungry and can't take it anymore, the sooner he tells Dwight the sooner he'll be eating delicious food! "Hey Pam, I need to go to the bathroom, I'll be back alright?" Jim told her and planted a kiss on her cheek, and with that he walked away.


"Alright, let me just..uh..pull my shirt down.." Dwight said, sweating slightly. He hasn't really been honest with Jim. Every time that Jim would joke around with the biting (which obviously seemed real to Dwight), Dwight would get turned on. He didn't like it but it happened. "Ah well..my fangs are kinda tired.." Jim said, biting his tongue so he didn't chuckle or smile. "That's fine, here" Dwight replies as he handed him a box cutter. Jesus christ where does he hide all of these??? "But Dwight, it'll be too noticeable on your neck.." Jim told him, faking a worried face. Dwights face heated up as he replied. "You can do it on my thighs.." did he seriously just say that?? If he lets Jim do that, Jim will see that he's turned on! With that being said, Dwight began to pull his pants down as Jim stared in shock. Okay, okay, it's time to stop this n- Jim stopped his thoughts as he saw Dwights pants come off to reveal his hard dick in his boxers. No way. No fucking way. Dwight K. Schrute is turned on by the fake vampire act Jim put on??? Jim stares at him for a few which causes Dwight to snap him out of it. "You there..? Can we just get this over with..? Please..?" Dwights face was now red as the beets he farmed. "Uh..yeah where would I be?" Jim said jokingly. He kneeled down infront of Dwight and pressed the box cutter to Dwights thigh. Wait. He's not gonna actually cut him right? He's gonna say 'Haha! Pranked you!'...right..?? So why is he going deeper into Dwights skin? Jim moves his hand quickly and splits Dwights skin apart. A drop of blood runs down his thigh as Jim stares at it longingly. Holy shit does Jim..no no that'd be disgusting and outrageous. But maybe- nope nah not today. He heard Dwight let out a pained breath but he ignored it. He brought his lips closer and..licked the cut. The taste of metallic blood was fresh on his tongue, his thoughts from a few moments ago circled his brain a thousand times and then some. He should've stopped this. why'd he say that. Why did he say "oh my fangs are tired" what is wrong with you Jim???

He stared in disbelief as to what he has done but he can't help it. Dwight is hard and Jim feels uncomfortable letting him down. I guess Dwight really was looking forward to this. Jims mind raced with thoughts and then- "H-hey idiot. Are you gonna hurry up or what..?" Dwight asked. Jim looked at him. He got closer. Real close. He hesitated when he got close to Dwights lips. Dwight just sat there. Naked, afraid, red, confused and bloody. Well almost naked. Jims hand rested on Dwights cheek and he gingerly kissed his lips. Dwight didn't resist. Weirdly enough he melted into it. "J-jim..I.." he stuttered

sir i- i'm on crack i'm sorry idk if i'll finish this 😳😳

(i wrote this for a friend and it's so bad and i hate this please smash my head into the pavement i deserve it.)

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 10, 2020 ⏰

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