Chapter 2

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B.W. Alert

    "Wake me up, when it's all over!" My alarm rang loudly next to me. I groaned and hit the stop button. My feet dug into my bunny slippers .

I showered and got dressed quickly. I ate my usual breakfast, waffles with extra whipped cream. I jammed my headphones into my ears and started playing my favourite songs. I said my goodbye's to Casper and rode my way to school. As I entered the brown gates of York Academy, I noticed that there was a great deal of excitement among the 8th grade students. Something about two new students coming today. I zipped down the slope and parked my cycle at my usual spot. I ran through the corridors, determined to be on time.

    I was running so fast, that I didn't notice someone was walking towards my direction until I crashed right into him. I slammed into him with so much force, I knocked both of us down. We hit the ground with a loud thud. As soon as I fell it took me a few seconds to gather my senses, and I immediately pushed my hands against his body and got up and ran as fast as I could from the guy. Who kew ? Maybe he could be a bully. The last I saw of him was his blue high-ups and his frizzy hair popping out of his hood, and with that I raced down to my homeroom, now sure that i was late.

    I burst through the door, panting lie a crazy dod, with sweat trickling down my face. In a moment, I realised that I was bending down with my face looking up at them. So much for a good first impression. I quickly straightened my posture and looked down at the floor. "Come in .. UH ..." 

     My new teacher paused to know my name. He was a tall man, with a red T-Shirt and Jeans. He wore blue sneakers. His frizzy head and pepper hair stuck out wildly. His light blue eyes were the same as mine. He wore a rasta cap, the colour of beige. His name was on the board and it read "Cameron".

     I quickly walked in, ignoring his question and took my seat at the last row, far corner of the class. As I sat, I plopped my bag on the chair and pulled my hood lower over my face. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. I looked down as much as possible. Just when my teacher was going ask me again of who I was, another boy, stumbled through the door.

Whew!! Saved by the boy. Then I saw something familiar, his blue high tops. I took a sharp breath. He was the dude who I crashed into. Oh No! He could just scream and look at me blame me for being late to class. But then Mr Cameron let him in and he walked in apparently not realising me (thank god ! ) but realising the chair next to me. Please don't sit here, please don't sit here, I prayed. But he walked straight towards the empty chair next to me! Ugh , the nerve! I pulled my hood as low as possible.

       Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, Mr. Cameron decided to break the tension and ask our names. I was asked first, so I stood slowly and said "My name is-" before I could finish, someone finished it for me. "Alexis!" she yelled. I looked up so fast that my hood fell off, revealing my Golden Brown hair. "Shut up Kylie. I know how to speak English." I said to her angrily.

We stared at each other menacingly. It was Kylie Jayden, my worst enemy.

Last year I was going for a competition, and Kylie just had to be there just to make me fell small and powerless. She had stolen my secret and won the competition, leaving me to rot in the world of humiliation and loneliness. Ugh! I still hated her for that! "Alexis...." She repeated with a more evil edge to her voice. Before we could do anything stupid like arguing , Mr. Cameron started off "OOOkaaayy. So, your name is Alexis is it?" clearly anxious to change the subject. "Yes" I said with gritted teeth as I sat down. "Hmph!" I said to myself. The dude who was sitting next to me, looked terrified. Since when was I terrifying?

Then he realised that it was his turn to introduce himself. He quickly got up and cleared his throat and said "My Name is Blake Westin. I'm from Minnesota. I'm um.. new here." Few guys at the front row snickered and muttered " Welcome to York Academy, Newbie." It was Ethan Tyler and his gang of goons. "Dork! Go back to your old school!" They yelled. "Enough!" Mr. Cameron said angrily. "Bake, you are welcome at 8CA. Please make yourself at home." Blake's face turned bright Red. "It's Blake, sir. Not Bake" He said and melted into his chair. There was an awkward silence the class. Poor Blake, embarrassed on his first day.

    It was the same thing Kylie and the popularities had done on my first day. I quickly looked at her and shot a glare in her direction. She mouthed 'You know I'm gonna kill you for getting me into detention last week, right?' 'I didn't have anything to get you into detention. You were just being yourself' I mouthed back. All she ever did was dirty stuff and then blame others for that. So last week I made sure that she was caught threatening a kid, and thanks to me she was sent to detention for what she had done. Kylie had deserved that.

Just when the bell rang "Oh! and I almost forgot to introduce our new comer, Nathan J! That's your name isn't it" he said in a quieter tone. The newcomer nodded. He looked particularly skinny, with a Black hood low over his face . Wisps of Golden-brown hair was popping out. "Please make him feel welcome" Mr. Cameron said. "Not like he has entered into a hostile territory. Please do. Thank you and have a productive day!" He said and he walked out of the room. Before Kylie left the room, She sliced one of her fingers across her throat and then walked out of the room. Blake got up and saw something, on me, which made him open his eyes wide, then put a mask of calm and ran off. What he had seen, I had no idea. All I was thinking was Kylie Jayden, Ethan Tyler and the other pigs being in my homeroom, always nosing into other's business.


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