Chapter 3

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# 3

The talk of Doom

    The day seemed to go on forever... 8th grade is so boring! in 5th grade, we would never ask for a free period, because every lesson was fun, but now it was x equals this, learn about the AMERican Civil war... blah blah blah! I mean seriously, when will we actually use these stuff in life?

Finally after what felt like a million years, the day finally seemed to end.

    On my way back from my class, I saw a group of 8th graders surrounding two boys standing each other. The 8th graders were yelling "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" That cry, was very common in our school, so I let it go and continued walking. I was not very far away from the mob, when I heard one of the fighters say "What've you gotten against me?!" I looked up realising that voice with a sudden sneaking suspicion. I ran over to the mob to get a better look. My

suspicions had been correct. It was the newcomer Blake Westin. Fighting him was the other Newbie, Nathan.

    At Nathan's side stood two bulky looking kids. I couldn't believe my eyes! It was Tristan and Nolan, two of the most kindest people in York. Now they looked like the meanest people in York. though I still don't think that it could beat the cruel expressions of Ethan, who stood to the right side of Nathan.... the two of them raised their fists as if to punch the life off Blake, but I ran in between the four of them. I didn't know why I was doing this, It wasn't like I cared of what happened to the newbies, but it also wasn't like Tristan and Nolan to do these kind of stuff.

"Hey! Lay off him!" I yelled at them.

There were muffled chatters among the crowd. "Party pooper.." they seemed to say. I ignored those comments. "Move aside Alexis!" they said angrily. "What's wrong with you guys? You used be against bullying! Now you're

doing the exact opposite!" they got really riled up and pushed me aside. A growl crept to my throat. What did this new kid think of himself? Picking on people on his and their first day?! Nevertheless, he was a bully. He had a rotten brain. You couldn't do anything about that.

    Suddenly the air turned cold and there seemed to be electricity in the air. I could just feel it. With this type of weather, people started moving to a better covered area. Probably figuring out there was some sort of storm heading our way. Nathan for his part stayed fixed on his spot, smiling wickedly while Blake gave him the death stare. " Maybe next time you'll get it, Bake Westin." Nathan said eerily and walked off with Tristan and Nolan at his heels.

    That's when Blake lost it and gave a defiant roar and charged forward, but I caught him in midway. "Whoah there Hulk! It's just Nathan, just let it go dude." He turned to me, his face was filled with rage. "Come over to my place, to you know, just cool off some steam. We can make plans to trash these people later." I looked up at the sky. "Besides, the weather is starting to get to me." Before he could protest, I grabbed his arm and pulled him to where my cycle was.  I knew he would feel better if he let things out.

And so we rode our way to my house.

    Next to my turquoise bike, was another parked bike. "How far is your home from here?" he asked, over the strong wind whipping at our faces. "Just a few minutes!" I yelled back. In a few minutes, we reached home, with rain falling heavily. Both of us burst through the door, dripping wet. Just when I reached inside, Casper bounded towards me and pounced on me. His jump made me fall down (as usual). My fall caused Blake also to knock over, and we caused a human domino. I let out a muffled yelp as I fell. "Ow" Blake muttered. I quickly got up and offered a hand. He accepted it and got up. 

Casper wagged his tail excitedly "who's this little guy ?" asked Blake. I was too cold to answer and Blake was shivering too. So, ignored the question to get some towels. When I came back down Blake and Casper were playing round like they were old buddies. I game him the towel and went over to make some hot chocolate. Once the hot chocolate was ready, we sat down on the couch and took a sip. Casper gently pounced on Blakes lap.
"You seem to be good with dogs !" , I pointed out. "Yeah, that's 'cause i have a dog of my own. Her name is Murphy" he admitted. I let that sink in . "So , where do you live?" i asked . "Um.... I ...Live... with .. my grandma" He said quickly. "Ookay.. I live with my dog, since you know my parents are always on work trips......." I paused. Blake looked over and asked "Does it ever feel like you don't belong in this world?" I was speechless. That was how I always felt. I sudden felt like this talk was about me and not him. I nodded slightly.

"Well, my parents had to do something extremely dangerous, which would cost them their lives" he said a little sad ."Oh!.. I am so sorry". It was true, having parents that travel around the world, barely meeting you was better than having one parent. "But data is always super busy, but grandma and I all..". "Nah's kay ,I mean grandma's fun. She tells me stories everyight. But the bets one yet is the story of Auster Doom!" Blake said dramatically. I resisted the urge to laugh out loud. "Auster Doom ?" I said trying very hard now. " I know, hilarious right?" he said seeing my face. "Well .. it depends, what's the story about ?" I asked. "Seriously?" he exclaimed not believing me. I waited "Okay ! so it's about this huge airy dude , a monster actually who was the sone of Theocracius Doom and that guy is the ultimate villain, maser of fire. He was defeated by the master of light Devion the great !". "Didn't you just say master of light and darkness?" I interrupted. "Well it's a part of his name. You know what i mean?" Blake replied. I nodded. "Once Doom Theocracius was defeated, his soon Auster Doom rose to power. Sadly, his rule was very short for he was destroyed by none other than... " . Before he could finish his sentence a loud bang echoed the room. Blake perked up with a look of alarm. "What was that ?" screamed Blake. I told that him that i had no clue and that it had happened the previous night as well. "Must be the breeze." told him "or a misting" he murmured under his breath. "A what ? !" he ignored by question, dropped his glass of hot chocolate and grabbed me by my arm and pulled me along. I yelled and protested but went along with Blake. As we came out side the house, I remembered Casper. "What about casper?". "He will be fine" Blake said hoarsely. We came to desolate area where I could see only palm trees. Blake went to one of the palm trees and stared at it. I was about to ask his help to save my dog when something clicked I could see a whole new world appearing in front of my eyes ! 

Alexis Jordan And The Shadow Of Darkness, The first three Chaptersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن