Related To The Hale's

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Stiles: You were at school, leaning against your locker talking to Stiles, Scott and Isaac. "I can't believe you've hid your relationship from Derek for this long." Isaac said and you kicked him in the shin. The halls were empty, but you knew that Derek could literally pop of out nowhere; whenever. "What was that for?" Isaac said Scott and Stiles held in a laugh.

"You made me mad." You said and turned to your locker, grabbing your book for the your math class, which you were going to late. "We should head to class." You said and shut your locker door, the boys nodded and together you walked down the hall.

"Y/N." You turned around and you saw Ethan and Aiden, smirking at you. Aiden walked closer and Isaac and Scott stood in front of you, Stiles' arm instantly wrapping around your waist. "I just want to talk." He explained and Isaac shook his head, his fists balled up.

"What do you want Aiden?" You asked and Scott and Isaac both looked at you. He smirked, Ethan was behind him, looking rather confused.

"Come with us, and he doesn't get hurt." Aiden said gesturing towards Stiles. You looked up at Stiles and lightly pressed your lips to his, you heard someone growl behind you and you saw Derek standing there. You were about to walk away from Stiles when Derek ran up to Scott and Isaac, ready to fight the twins.

"Stiles get her out of here. If she gets hurt I will rip your throat out with my teeth." Derek threatened and you and Stiles ran out of the school and into his jeep.

Scott: Lifeless. That's how you felt, you were leaning against a tree somewhere in the woods. You were attacked by hunters, they were passing through Beacon Hills and when they spotted you, you knew you weren't going to be able to defend yourself. "Stupid hunters." You mumbled as you applied pressure to the gash they have you across your stomach. Why were you healing tho? Because they were crazy enough to poison you from the minutes they spotted you. You heard rustling in the bushes behind you and you struggled to open your eyes and look at your surroundings.

"Scott, we've been walking around for hours, I'm sure she's just with Derek." You heard Isaac's voice. You tried to move, to make some sort of noise but it hurt to much to even move a finger.

"Scott." You weakly mumbled and you heard their footsteps and heartbeats come closer and soon you were in the arms of your boyfriend as he was carrying you to Stiles' jeep. Scott climbed in the back with you and Isaac sat up front.

"To Deaton's." Scott said and you nodded slowly as you rested your head in his lap. Scott reached down and grabbed your hand, taking away as much pain as he could.

"If I die Scott just know that I love you." You mumbled and passed out from the amount of blood you lost.

You woke up on a cold metal surface, you shot up and looked down at your arms, legs and torso and there was nothing there. Derek, Scott, Stiles, Isaac, Lydia and Deaton were soon crowed around you. Scott was by your side gripping your hand and his other hand was on your lower back. You turned to look at him and placed both of your hands on his cheeks before kissing him with all the energy you had.

Isaac: Like every other school day, you always secretly met up with Isaac. It was the end of the day and you hadn't seen him all day, at first you thought he didn't come to school but he walked right past you in the hallway and didn't even smile, like he normally does. You were walking past the boys locker room when you saw Isaac, changed and heading outside for his lacrosse practice. "Isaac!" You called and he turned around, smiled and then continued walking. You jogged over to him and stopped him by placing your hands on his chest. "Did I do something wrong?" You asked feeling as though Isaac was just losing interest in you and the thought of him breaking up with you was horrible.

"No Y/N, listen it's just been a crazy couple days." He said and you nodded, looking down at your shoes while biting your lip. You went to walk away but Isaac grabbed your wrist and pulled you into Coach's office. He checked the halls and closed the door before turning to you. "Derek knows." He admitted and you try so hard to hold in your laugh.

"Who cares if he knows?" You say and walk over to Isaac placing your hands on his forearms to calm him down. "Are you scared of Derek?" You asked and Isaac shakes his head but you smirked and go on your tippy toes and lightly kissed his lips.

"Y/N, we need to tell him." Isaac said, placing both hands on your hips, looking down at you with a small smile.
You sighed and nodded, he wrapped you in a hug and you rested your head on his chest.

"Derek would rather it be you then Stiles."

"Hey!" You heard Stiles say from outside the room and Scott laughed a little.

"She's right." You rolled your eyes at you brother and you can tell that Isaac had calmed down a little.

"Hey!" You heard Stiles again and both you and Isaac started laughing.

Liam: You had gone through hell and back with your werewolf powers. You had them at a young age and then they just disappeared, and returned again three days before the full moon. The night of the full moon wasn't going to be easy, but you knew that if you had Liam with you then you were going to be okay. The pact was all at Derek's loft, they were all going to make sure you got through your first full moon. You weren't struggling, but sweating and breathing very heavily. They had you tied to a chair, Scott and Derek ready to grab you if you started fighting against them. "Guys, I'm gonna be fine." You tried to say but the full moon hit you. Your teeth came out and so did your claws, you didn't like the way you looked in front of the pact, you used that to try to calm down.

"Y/N! Calm down! Get in control!" You heard Derek say and you tried to take control, you tried so hard but nothing was working. You looked up and your eyes met Liam's, your breathing slowed down a bit. Stiles smirked and Scott had to nudge him in the side. Derek was almost mad, but he looked relieved that you were calming down.

"Liam.." You managed to get out and Liam walked over to you and cupped your cheeks with his hands. With the chains holding you back you just relaxed and Liam lightly pressed his lips to yours. When he pulled away Derek wasn't angry at all. "Thank you."
You mumbled, basically embarrassed that you couldn't control yourself.

"You owe me five bucks." Stiles said to Malia and she growled at him. Everyone looked at him confused.

"We made a bet, I said that you two were defiantly together behind all our backs." Stiles explained and luckily you were tied down to the chair still because you would have punched him square in the jaw for making a bet without you.

Parrish: "Seriously?!" You yelled as your car broke down. You were on your way home from the school. You were teaching there and you had stayed late to finishing up any last minute marking you still hadn't done. You pulled out your phone and went to call your brother but your phone was dead. You heard honking behind you and you had to physically get out of your car, into the rain and tell the car to go around you. You groaned and got back in your car, shivering from the rain and the lack of heat in your car. You heard sirens come from behind you. "Great." You mumbled and slammed your head lightly against the steering wheel. You rolled down the window and your boyfriend, Jordan Parrish was standing there with an umbrella.

"Does someone need a ride?" He asked and you rolled your eyes. You grabbed your purse, phone and keys before locking your car and walking with Parrish into the cop car.

"Thanks." You mumbled, in a bad mood from being soaked and having your car stranded on a street. You looked over at Parrish and he leaned in and kissed you, you smiled into the kiss and pulled away. "Just take me home loser." You said and leaned back in your seat, shivering from the cold.

When you got home, Parrish walked you to the doors of the loft, you had been inside a couple times but never when Derek was home and you knew he was. "If you need a ride to work tomorrow, just call me." He said and you nodded. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck.

"I owe you one." You said and he nodded, you two were just about to kiss when Derek opened the loft door and glared at Jordan. You pecked his lips and then kissed his cheek quickly. "See you tomorrow babe." You said before walking into the loft, your brother furious and annoyed. You smirked and texted Jordan, talking him to pick you up at seven.

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