You Make Up

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Stiles: "Derek." You spoke softly as you stepped inside the loft, your knee's giving out as Derek ran over to you in time to catch you. "Hunters.." You whispered and leaned your head on his chest as Derek set you down on the couch in his loft, but you gripped onto his shirt, not wanting to be alone again. 

"Y/N, what happened?" He asked, and looked at Isaac and Boyd who were watching from a distance and motioned towards the door, knowing that Scott, Lydia, Allison and Stiles would be walking in soon. They walked over to the door, and stepped outside. 

"I just wanted to go for a walk..." You took a couple breaths and moved off of Derek's lap but held onto his arm. "Since Stiles broke-" Your eyes started to water and you started crying, since the actual break up you still haven't been able to fully accept the fact that you lost him. "I just wanted to get my mind off everything, the break up, this stupid gift and just everything." You let out in one breath before everyone walked into the loft, Scott walking over to you right away and you latched onto him, hugging him. 

"Y/N." Scott whispered, and you looked over his shoulder seeing Stiles standing there, and you closed your eyes as a couple tears ran down your cheeks. Scott pulled away from the hug and looked at your bloody shirt, but the wounds were now all healed. 

"Scott, I didn't know what to do." You said, and rested your head on his shoulder, keeping your eyes fixed on your bloody shirt, which was the perfect reason to avoid looking at Stiles. 

"Y/N.." You looked at up at Stiles, and he had this pain in his eyes, almost like he was taking the blame for you getting attacked. Scott slightly moved his body towards you, signalling you to get up and talk to him. Slowly, you stood up, and for a second your thought you were going to fall over again, but you gained as much strength as you could and ran at Stiles, latching your arms around his neck and his snaked around your waist. "I'm so sorr-"

"Stiles, it's not your fault." You whispered in his ear and just held on tighter without trying to hurt him. He pulled back from the hug and placed his hands on your cheek, moving the hair out of your face. "Stiles, I'm okay." You said and Stiles shook his head.

"I'm sorry for leaving you when you needed me the most. Y/N, I love you." He said and pressed his lips to yours, and since the breakup this was the first time that when you smiled, it was actually real.

Scott: It took two days for Scott to officially start dating Kira. Ever since the rumors started to go around school, Lydia was by your side the entire time. She made sure to keep you both clear of Scott and Kira, and ended up driving you home each day, as you usually had gotten a ride home from Scott.

"Y/N/N, it's been two weeks, you need to move on." Stiles said and Lydia slapped his arm, knowing that when you have deep feelings for someone like you do for Scott, then it's gonna take longer then two weeks to get over him. You looked up at Stiles, and saw Scott and Kira walking over to your table, your eyes started to water and you looked down at your untouched lunch. 

"Stiles!" Scott called and went behind Stiles and rested his elbows on his head for a joke, while Kira giggled at Scott's actions. You rolled your eyes at how annoying she was, but it still took all your energy to hold back the tears. 

"What the h-" Liam said from beside you and he looked up at Lydia who shrugged her shoulders, meaning she kicked him in an attempt to get your attention. 

"Lyd, I'll catch up with you later." You said and stood up from the table, grabbing your backpack before walking away from your friends, and outside of the school. You got outside and started walking around the school, it may have seemed stupid, but walking laps around the school was a better idea to you the being in front of Scott and Kira. You wiped the back of your hand across both your cheeks, but tears just replaced the old ones. 

"Y/N..." You stopped walking to see Scott standing behind you, a small smile on his face, and his hands were behind his back. You looked down, hoping he wouldn't notice your tear stained cheeks and just shook your head at him.


"Lydia was right." He said and took a step closer to you, placing his fingers underneath your chin, making you look up at him. He lightly pressed his lips to yours and you almost melted into the kiss but you pulled away and quickly turned around before you started walking away from him. "Y/N, I love you!" He said and you stopped. You had once told Scott that you loved him, but he never returned the feelings, and you always thought that was the reason for Scott spending so much time with Kira in the first place. You turned around and faced him, now seeing he was holding a single rose in his hand, and you couldn't help but giggle through the tears at the cheesy gift. "Please take me back?" 

"What happened to Kira?" You asked as you started walking closer to him, a small smile on your face.

"It doesn't matter. She's not the one I love, she's not you." He said and that was all it took for you to wrap your arms around his neck.

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