Forgotten Memories

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Aoresa Glacies, tis the name given to me ever since I first woke here in the frozen forest back when I was a little child. Am I human, witch, or this land's guardian? Only the maker knows who I really am.

My earliest memories I could recall would be right here laying on the white soft and cold bed of Winter's cry. I was only 8 years old back then and all I had were my furred clothes and the bag beside me, inside was a book and a few items not worth mentioning.

The book contains a series of basic magic spells and incantations from all the different elements known to man to which I had already figured out it was one of learning materials for students with potential in the line of magic.

A normal text book would contain only information but the one I had were written all over its pages. Distinguishing all the words and the often scribbles are proven too difficult to decipher. Whoever wrote this was either poor in basic writing, knowing for a fact it wasn't mine to begin with because, one, I know for sure I write more graceful than this clutz and two, the first piece of page in the book has the name of the book's owner or so I assumed, and ironically it was decipherable.

The owner of the book was a person named Veresa Sophis. A name I am unfamiliar with nor could I recall the person's face.

So lost, the book and the name were the only clues I had. Searching my vicinity, not another person or any loving body could be found. I was scared back then not having anyone else with me. I wandered endlessly around what seems to be an endless forest till I couldn't bare to walk nor stand anymore. I had lost hope to find anyone anymore.

Why am I here? Why am I alone? Why can't I remember?

These were the questions I keep repeating to myself, forcing myself to remember yet still not a single shard of it were recalled. It was during that time I accidentally tripped and fell down the hill I was climbing. My fall stop after hitting a tree along the way, I had not felt the pain for my body was too numb to feel anything.

I lay there for what seems like an eternity waiting for anyone to find me. I cried till I couldn't no more, I shouted for help till my throat sores, I kept my hopes up even though I knew such thing does not exist anymore.

That's when I heard something panting near by, turning my body I saw two ice wolves just meters away. Of all existences it had to be wolves. Forcing myself to get up I ran more even when I'm tired and hurt.

I noticed they split up trying to corner me or perhaps trying to lead me to my demise. I knew little of what they were actually trying to do for I was only a child back then and as a result I found myself in front of a cave beneath a mountain. I could feel the cold air it blows through out its entirety. Ignoring this for my life my body acted on its own, rushing in and quickly hiding behind one of the caves natural pillars. It's a natural reaction of surviving.

A moment of silence occurred, only silence roams the area and anticipation and fear was killing me. I peaked outwards not find them there. I sighed in relief, I somehow outrun my death.

Looking and searching through out the cave it was fairly long. Lucky enough there was not a single living thing inside including the tiniest of these creatures or should I say insects, referring ants that is.

In the corner of the cave there was a wrapped in cloth bundle of fire wood and an old sleeping bag with cobwebs and dust over it across of it which tells me more of it's age. Fortunately for me no holes around are noticed around the sleeping bag. In the end of my search inside the cave, this used to be some other's cave. I had wondered where he had ventured off to but I was already lucky enough to find one.

Returning to unravel the firewood I noticed I don't have anything to set it afire. Which then reminded me I had the book of basic spells and whatnot, fire or should I say pyromancy is one of the common and 2nd lowest level of magic to learn out of the 8 elements there are.

Now I don't remember how I knew this but after opening the first few pages of the book there was suppose to be table of contents section like any other book would have instead there were 4 blank pages back to back. Only until I touched the fourth page did the page shimmer in light blue. At the very top of the page did I read the word Cryomancy: the manipulation of Ice and Snow and beneath are all of the chapter's contents. It took me a while to figure out why couldn't I see the rest. The book immediately analyzes the type of magician or sorceress I am.

I felt excitement and curiosity through me but learning to manipulate ice and snow has nothing to do with lighting a fire wood. So instead I searched through the entire book for spells that uses fire then spotted the first and most simplest among all of it's spells, ignis. It's a simple spell that ignitesone of the caster's fingers and at will shoots the tiny fire in any direction. I book read me to be a cryomancer but I need to learn at least ignis alone to survive.

Reciting the words in the book countless of times but not even a puff of smoke nor could I feel the heat from my finger. I was cold and pale then. I have no aptitude in pyromancy for I am a cryomancer, the very elemetalist contradicting it.

There was no use to read the rest of the fire section's spells so instead if I was going to die I might as well learn to use the power I have, enjoy it while I still can.

As my gaze scroll through each and every spell cryomancy has to offer or should I at least say what the book could offer. I fell upon a useful spell in my time of need, Cold Resistance: to raise one's resistance against the harsh cold. Without reading the rest of the information aside from the words needed, I had then immediately recited the words. I ceased to feel cold rather it felt normal, a sign it works. I am one with the cold.

I am glad to the wolves for if it weren't for them could I never find this cave. From that time I came to realize they weren't your typical hungry wolves ready to kill a prey sighted, no. Instead they were quiet and mysterious. I had wondered if they intentionally led me there. The truth was they did and I had not known about it for a while.

Shrugging my thoughts for now i felt tired and in need to rest. I slipped myself in the sleeping bag and slowly drifted myself in slumber.

I had yet to discover who I am and why I am here.

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