Wolf Queen Thessalia

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The day goes by as I lived another day without knowing who I am while sleeping the night away in a cave with no fire to keep myself warm but surprisingly, I do not feel the need for it for you see, the effects Cold Resistance are still active, making me a bit to be more perplexed about it.

A basic requirement most spells and incantations require is that of the caster's mana and depending on its size, strength, and duration would be equal to how much it would cost. In my case, what I have cast is a resistance spell, one of the spells that drains the caster's mana over time until the caster ceases its use. This is where it gets interesting for me, to maintain this for so long means I possess a large quantity of mana, a pool size not common for children such as I.

Nor have I felt any signs from the lack of mana, neither do I feel in a  weakened state and the sudden drop in the spell's efficacy. How could I, a mere child possess such an amount of mana?

Does this mean I am special? That I am gifted from the day of my awakening in this world. Am I an offspring of well-known sages?

My mind had been clouded by even more questions leaving me only at wonder. The more I learn about myself, the more unanswerable questions that came with it.

I slid out of my sleeping bag and stepped near the cave's entrance gazing at the sight before me.

Morning was apparent with the rays of light shining through the silvery skies. Beneath it rests the white pigment snow upon the lands like a blanket that caressed the land as if it were clouds that fell from heaven itself and it covers the rich, deep wood in perfect white. Aside from the whistling wind, it was quiet everything seemed. The scent of damp pine trees made the air feel fresh and clean. I felt so peaceful to be standing in such a magical place.

I was enjoying every second of it until my stomach snarled and howled, indicating that I have yet to eat to sate this feeling of hunger. My eyes wandered through out the treetops to the bushes in hopes to find anything to silence its call but none to my dismay.

Carrying the bag I have, I set out to find anything to eat. In my search, I witnessed the beauty of this frozen forest during daytime such as snow all around her, the winter trees' barks are silvery and white, they might not be so pretty but for me it is the contrast of the pure white snow against the deep brown bark that perfects the scene, with wild animals passing nearby to and fro and even then I couldn't bring myself to a single one.

Above me, bird song welcomes in a new day, sweet melodious chorus of seemingly never repeated notes, cascading through the branches, tumbling into the crisp morning air, flowing into the surrounding like a great river of music. The Frozen Forest truly is a magical place.

After a while of searching, I stopped moving as my gaze met two wolves ahead of me, both are pure white reminding me of the ones yesterday and then it hit me, they were from then. Upon staring at them I noticed the size of these wolves are not that of a normal wolf, no, they were twice as big as them and pure white.

The wolves slowly move towards me. Being afraid I was about to step back but then i noticed the two stopped before as I was about to back away. Not sure why the wolves stopped in their tracks but I could already tell they don't seem to bear any ill intent. Then they continued moving forward until they were a meter from me then sat down.

Both lowered their heads as if I was royalty, being above them to receive their respect staring at me blankly reminds me of the statues...

Statues? I vaguely remember seeing statues resembling a wolf but from where? Why couldn't I bring myself to remember where and when I've seen these.

Going back to the matter at hand, I slowly kneeled  down to be at their level less worried about my life now. Both of these wolves have ice-blue eyes, so full of life yet so uncertain.

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