Chapter twelve

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''Why did you book an hotel?'' asked Harry as we were driving to the Gym. ''You could've stayed at my place. I live alone but it's big enough for two. And it's not like you'd be moving in, it's only for a few days.''

''I'm not the one who booked the hotel, my management did.'' 


''Yeah.. Also, some people would've spotted us easily if I was staying at your apartment, Harry. You know how paps and medias are. The second they can find something to gossip about, peace from them is impossible.'' 

''I know. Ever since I took that blonde girl home they follow me to my place when I get out of the clubs, trying to spot who I took home and they stay there in front of my apartment till the person leave. The next day, everything's in the news paper.'' 

I sighed. ''They're so annoying. They follow me after my games and practices, trying to see if I'm going to someone's house. They want to catch me with someone but sadly for them, it never happened. Do they seriously think I'd go to someone to have sex when I know they are following me? They're not really smart, aren't they?'' I chuckled.

He shook his head, chuckling too. ''They're so desperate to get their shots that they don't think about the possibility of us being smarter than them.''


I love talking with Harry. He and I understand each other and are alike in so many ways -and different in so many too. We both are 'famous' - he is a worldwide know model and I play in football team - and harassed by paps. They chase us to try to peak into our love life that's much overrated in the medias.

''We're here,'' he announced, parking his car in front of a building. We unbuckled our seat-belts and got out of the car, both our spots bags on our shoulder. I followed Harry inside as he slide his card in the door - it's probably a private gym.


 When Harry and I arrived, the locker room was empty so we changed in silence and Harry offered to store my bad and clothes in his locker since I didn't have one. Once both our gym equipment was on - baseball shirt and tank - we exited the room and put our shoes on. Don't ask why we didn't put them on before exiting the locker room, we just didn't. 

''Where are the 'other guys' you told me about?'' I asked, seeing the gym was practically empty except for two big guys on the boxing ring and another one at the dumbbells area.

''They're not there. Max had an emergency, Christopher called him and he flew to some place I can't remember. And Zayn hates going here even if Christopher forces him. The smell of sweats makes him sick,'' he explained, rolling his eyes at his friend's diva complain.

I nodded, understanding. ''Why didn't you told me they couldn't be there? We didin't have to go, you know.'' 

''I need to train a couple times a week whether I'm with someone or not. If I'm alone, I'll ask my personal trainer to come. I have to keep up with my shape and being healthy for my job. It's part of the modeling career.'' 

After doing some lifting, Harry and I headed to the treadmills section of the gym. None of them were occupied so we took one beside each other. We started off running and then, I got an idea. ''Wanna race?'' I asked. He shrugged. ''The one that stays the longer on the treadmill without stopping.'' 

''What am I winning?'' he asked, still running.

''Why are you talking like you're convinced you're gonna win, Styles?''

''Because I will. I always win.'' 

 ''Better run my friend..'' I snickered.

  We ran on the treadmill for about half an hour, jogging in between and sending death glares and making funny faces at each other, trying to make the other loose their concentration and trip.

''You made me trip,'' he accused, shoving me.

I fake gasped. ''I'd never do that, who do you think I am?'' 

He glared at me. ''I saw you pressing on the damn button, Tomlinson. You made the treadmill speed up to it's last and I tripped.'' 

I laughed, shaking my head. ''It's not me. Must be a ghost..'' 

''It wasn't!'' 

''Yes, yes. I have a ghost if you didn't know. He keeps doing mischief and everyone's putting the blame on me,'' I explained, grabbing my water bottle from the ground and taking a sip, feeling dehydrated and out of breath. Running is definitely tiring.

Harry rolled his eyes, taking his tee shirt off and using it to wipe off the sweat from his neck, forehead and face as we walked toward the locker room to shower and change. My manager would be proud of me if he'd seen me at the gym. I've sweat buckets today. 

''What's the thing with all the flannels?'' I asked the curly haired one as I got out of my shower. The dark haired lad was standing in front of his locker, buttoning his shirt. ''Are you planning on becoming a farmer or something?'' I teased.

He raised an eyebrow, turning to look at me. ''What?'' 

''You're always wearing flannels, Harry.'' I pointed to the red one he was currently wearing.

He shrugged. ''I like wearing them, is that a problem for you, Lewis?'' he asked, smirking, knowing I hate when my name is wrongly pronounced. I gave him the finger and he laughed, shaking his head. ''Want me to drop you off to your hotel when you're done?'' 

''Tired of me already?'' 

He shook his head. ''Not at all.''

''Good because you owe me dinner,'' I reminded him, sticking my tongue out. It was the deal for the treadmill. If I won he'd buy me dinner because I am starving and if he won - which didn't happen - I'd have to pay him dinner. 

 ''Dinner? You gonna ruin my bank count,'' he joked.

''Dinner and movie then.''

He hummed. ''Looks like a date,'' he said, smirking at me.

A date?

This didn't turned out how I planned it.. But I won't be complaining. Who doesn't want a date with Harry Styles? 

But wait, I can't go on a date dressed like this. I have to wear something nicer than jeans and a tee shirt. I can't wear suit and tie, it's not a press conference or an award show. Less a wedding but I can't go like this. 

''A date after gym? That's lame. I thought you were more romantic,'' I snickered.

He frowned, looking a little insulted. ''I can be romantic.'' 

''Prove it.'' 

''Okay. I'll take you on a date tomorrow night and you'll have the time of your life. It's gonna be the best and most romantic date you ever went.'' 

I smiled. ''I can't wait to be there.'' 

A/N I know I could've put the date in this chapter to make it longer but I wanted it to be in Harry's POV - don't ask. This was half written since a good month and sadly forgotten in my works.. Sorry.

Thought on Larry going on a date? What will happen? Where will Harry take him? 

P.S Harry in flannels *___*

All star, but so far (Model!Harry Football!Louis) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now