Chapter fourteen

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  I was woken up by my phone ringing repetitively on my nightstand, forcing me to wake up when I only wanted to throw it against the wall to make it shut up even if turning the mobile off would be less brutal. I reached for it and answered the call, not looking at the ID. 

''Hello?'' I sleepily answered, my voice really low and monotone.

''Louis Tonlinson! Have you seen the new tabloids?'' yelled the voice, making me cringe at the loud sound. I just woke up, is that too much to ask to not scream in my ears? 

I rolled my eyes at my manager's words. ''Good morning to you too..'' 

''Louis!'' he scolded. ''This isn't funny. I think you should read the article I just emailed you.''

''Adn i think I'm gonna go back to bed. Night-'' 

''Louis!'' he yelled once again. ''I am not joking. This could mess up your football career.'' 

He must be exaggerating. ''Alright,'' I sighed, taking my laptop from it's case and opening my emails. The first one was from my management so I opened it, ignoring the hundred others. I hate replying to emails. It's boring. I scrolled down the mail and then I found it.

Caught: Model Harry Styles and LA Stars football player Louis Tomlinson on a fancy night out in London

''How could this mess up my football career? Harry and I are friends,'' I told the man who was waiting on the other side of the phone. 

''Friends? You went out in town looking all dressed up, looking like you guys were on a fancy date. Friends don't do that, Louis.''

''It was a date. But it was also a dare. He and I had a bet the other day and-'' I started but he cut me off.

''I don't care. I don't want to hear it. I better not see anything like this happen again, understand? I don't want to see you and that Styles player together ever again,'' he said and hung up. 

Anger build up inside. Harry's not a player. He's a very nice guy. One of the nicest I ever met. I hate when people talk about my friends like that. He doesn't know him, how can he say he is a player?

To: Harry

I think it's best if we meet up somewhere more private today.

From: Harry

Okay.. Why? You ashamed of me, Tomlinson?

To: Harry

Never in a million years ;) You don't know? I bet we'd be papped all day and that there's some creeping at my hotel and at your apartment. You should read the news.

After sending the quick messages to Harry, I hopped in the shower, getting ready for the day. Today's still the weekend so I don't have to go to the agency and can meet up with Harry. We had planned to eat breakfast at his favourite place - he said they makes the best crepes on the go - but sadly, we're gonna have to re-schedule. 

I don't bother shaving, knowing we're just gonna hang out and I'll need to do it tomorrow anyway. I dried my hair and put on some clothes. My choices were restricted due to the chilly weather in London but I managed to find some jeans, a graphic tee shirt, a greenish-blue hoodie and Marvel socks. Yes, socks. I've been reaching for them a lot recently and it's helped me not freeze my ankles off here in London. They are not a necessity in California. The less clothes you wear, the better you feel.

I'm not saying to go naked though.. You might get arrested, just saying. 

  When I was ready, I called a cab and climbed in it, rushing out of the hotel as I tried to not be papped. There was so many cameras down the lobby. They're so fucking annoying. 

All star, but so far (Model!Harry Football!Louis) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now