Chapter fifteen

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  I can't say I didn't see that coming because I would be lying. But, I can say I wasn't expecting this when I went to Harry's place this morning. I knew we'd kiss eventually. Just not now. I though we'd wait till we get to know each other a little more. 

The thing is, he and I have been passing time together so much recently that it feels like we always knew each other. 

Harry makes me feel happy. He makes me feel free and.. loved. I know we aren't at that stage yet - hell, we're not even dating - but I know the feeling is mutual and slowly growing. I can feel it whenever he look at me and is around me. Harry looks much happier when he's around me than on most pictures the paparazzi snapped of him these past couple years. Same goes for me. I don't think I've smile so genuinely before. Not when I'm with someone. 

''Friends don't kiss each other,'' I said against his plummy lips as we pulled away for air, our forehead against each other.

A low chuckle left his lips as he shushed me. ''No one needs to know,'' he replied, kissing me again.

He was right. No one needs to know about this. Us. What people don't know can't hurt them, right.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as his found my waist, pulling me closer and closer so our bodies were flushed, skin against skin - or should I say, fabric against fabric but you understand what I mean. There was no room left between our chests, lips locking and moving together. 

The fact that Harry's apartment was on a higher floor was at our advantage today since there's a window in the curly Brit's kitchen but is unavailable for the paps down to get a photograph due to it's height. Isn't that amazing? 

We kissed for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the other's lips. ''It's been so long I haven't kissed like this,'' he whispered, nuzzling his nose against mine cutely.

I smiled, opening my eyes slowly, meeting his piercing green ones.  ''What?'' 

''I've kissed a lot of people these past years, and done more than kissing, but it never felt like this in so long.'' I raised a brow, still confused. ''It never felt so right before, Louis.'' 

I understand what he means now. ''I feel the same,'' I grinned, pulling him down once again for a kiss. This time, it was a simple, short one. I'm so out of breath, another deep kiss and I'd be on my back - not in a sexual way, you perverts. I'd be dead, drained of oxygen.

  Once both our breathing were steadied, Harry led me to the living room where Cat was sleeping in her little cheetah printed canopy bed. I still can't believe Harry bought her that.. She was so cute curled up like this. I smiled at the sight as Harry sat on his couch after grabbing the remote to open the television, pulling me down with him. He wrapped an arm around my middle, my back flushed against his muscular chest. 

We watched television for a little bit but eventually got bored. It's not that I don't like cuddling with Harry - trust me, I do - but I need to do something. I can't sit all day. I play football for a living for fuck sake's, I need to move and do fun things. 

Somehow, we ended up playing Just Dance. I never though Harry would be the type of person to play video games. I know,Just dance is not a typical video games but you get it. I didn't though Harry was the type of person who liked to dance either.

We danced to Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus's latest hits, laughing at each other as we failed and missed a few moves here and there. And as if it wasn't enough, Harry sung all the song and knew all the words, leaving me speechless. I thought he didn't listened to pop music but I guess I was wrong.

All star, but so far (Model!Harry Football!Louis) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now