Bang Chan

15 1 0



Hi my Channie. Thank you for the apology at 1 am in the morning today, we understand you all are hurting but do not blame yourself for any of this. You are a wonderful leader and you have done what you could to the fullest and I respect that. I'm so sorry you have gotten hate comments and I feel like I haven't done enough to support you. But please know that you are loved by so many stay, you have inspired lots of people to do their best and to stay positive.

What I love about you is the dedication and love you have for music, always composing tracks that are total bops! But also taking the time out of your busy schedule to talk to us stays. I love your curls, I'm pretty sure you know that frizz is the worst enemy haha but yes I lowkey wanna run my hands through those curls. Your smile and your dimples, light up my whole life and let me know that you're happy and living life to the fullest (if that smile falls I will come after those people who made you sad lol). Your accent, I know everyone loves your accent but it really suits you, if you had just made an audio recording of you speaking I would never get tired of it.

Overall, you are an amazing person who has accomplished so much in life and made the best team! Nine or none forever.

I love you. 

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