Part I- The Unforgettable Past

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Hana- eight years old. 

Footsteps pounded throughout the house, and voices yelled. I tightened my arms around my knees, trying to make myself smaller. They were strangers, and my mom and dad always said not to talk to strangers because we don't know if they were creepy people or something like that. My throat tightened at the thought of my mom and dad. They were quiet in the other room and cold. 

The sounds of footsteps entered the room I was hidden in. Voices spoke. "There's a child somewhere in the house."

"How do we know they didn't take her?" Another voice spoke.

A third voice spoke. She sounded the nicest of the three. "I wonder if she saw the other room."

A whimper escaped at the thought of the scene, and I immediately wanted to hit myself. I was stupid. What if these people were bad, too? The three adults were silent and one of them came closer to the closet i was currently huddled inside. The door was thrown open, and I looked up at the face of the person who could either be friend or foe. 

He was tall but of course everyone was taller than me. His hair was a coppery brown, and his eyes were a blue that reminded me of the sky. He wore the black outfit of the policemen would wear. What I hated the most was the look in his eyes. The pity that was directed at me. He knelt in front of me and spoke gently. "Hello, I'm Officer Holland. What is your name?"

I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't want to. I don't think that I ever wanted to talk again nor would i ever want to. I had just witnessed my parents, my two closest friends, being tortured and murdered in front of my eyes. Instead I moved my finger onto the ground, writing my name. 

His eyes scrunched together in confusion. "Hana? Hana Whitethorn?"

I nodded. He gave me a small smile and held his hands out. "I'm going to pick you up, okay?" 

His warm hands picked me up and he cradled me in his arms. As he passed the room that held my parent's bodies, he whispered. "Everything is going to be okay?"

I just blinked. Because it wasn't and I doubted that it ever would be. A tear ran down my cheek as I closed my eyes. 

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