Chapter 2

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"So, anything you like?" I asked after Karna tried on all the shirts and pants. "If it's okay, can I take all of it?" he asked. "Oh, sure," I said. "I mean, you can't wear the same outfit forever." "Thank you, Master," he said and disappeared again. I gathered up all the clothes, paid for them, and left the store. "Um, you wanna put some on?" I asked.

"Sure," he answered. I decided to go to the park, luckily no one was there, and Karna appeared. "Here, take some," I said and offered the bag to him. He picked a hoodie and jeans and disappeared. Then he appeared while wearing clothes. "What do you think?" I asked. "It's nice," he said and put his hands in the hoodie's pocket. "Is the size okay?" He nodded.

"Great, I think we can go back to my grandparents'," I said. On the way back, Karna said, "I think I need to repay your generosity with something." "No, you don't have to," I said but I still got a feeling that he was still going to do it. "We're back," I said as we entered through the front door. "Looks like you bought something Crystal." said my mother.

"I bought my Servant some clothes," I said. "I can see that." said my father when he saw Karna wearing the hoodie and jeans. "You should get going now, Crystal has school tomorrow." said my grandmother. We drove back home with Karna sitting in the back with me. "Karna, do you know if your brother is also participating?" asked my mother.

"He has a brother?" I asked. "Half-brother," Karna corrected. "And I don't know if he is also here in this world." "Is he hot too?" I thought. "What was that?" Karna asked me. I forgot that he could hear my thoughts. "Nothing." I quickly said and turned red.


I was up all night doing some research on my Servant when Karna appeared next to me and said, "You should go to sleep." "I know, I'm almost done reading," I said. He took a quick look on the computer screen and said, "You're reading about me and my half-brother." "Yeah, it's sad that you died," I said.

Karna sat on my bed and said, "I had no other choice. I was cursed, immobilized, and brother had the chance to kill me." I turned off my computer and said, "I'm going to sleep now." I looked at him and realized that he needed a place to sleep too. "Oh. can sleep here." I said and offered the right side of my queen-sized bed.

"You sure?" he asked. "Yeah," I said and crawled underneath the covers. "Thanks again, Master," he said. "Wait, you're not gonna sleep?" I asked. "I have to look out for the Servants just in case," he said. "It's okay, you can have a day off," I said. He looked at me and said, "Okay." He got into bed with me and said, "Goodnight Master." "G'night..." I murmured and fell asleep.

Around three in the morning, I rolled over to Karna's side, which woke him up. "Master?" he murmured and saw me. I continued to sleep without knowing that I woke him up. He simply pulled me close to him and held me in his arms. "Good girl," he whispered and smiled.


I could feel the sun shining in my face when I woke up the next day, and the first thing I see was Karna's chest. "Oh my god!" I exclaimed and quickly moved back. "What? What happened?" he asked and quickly sat up. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know that I would..." I was lost for words and felt extremely embarrassed. "I don't mind," he said.

"You don't?" I peeped and he shook his head. "I forgot to tell you that I do kind of roll around," I said. "That's okay," he said. I got out of bed and said, "I'm gonna go eat now." Karna laid down and went back to sleep. I changed out of my pajamas and went downstairs. My parents were at work so I had to make breakfast and walk to school.

I made myself some scrambled eggs and toast when Karna came downstairs. "Oh, hi," I said. He walked over to me and asked, "You're making breakfast?" "Yep," I said. "You want some?" "Sure." I gave him my scrambled eggs while I had toast and coffee. "What do you usually have?" I asked. "Can't remember the last thing I ate," he said as he ate.

I finished my food and said, "I have to go to school now." He nodded as he ate his eggs. I was about to open the front door when he came up behind me and hugged me. "Stay safe, okay?" he said. "Uh, yeah, I will." I said and then thought, "Oh my god, is this gonna happen to me?"

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