Chapter 4

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It's been two months.

Two months since I broke up with Jonathan.

Two months of harassment and dirty looks from people at school.

Two months of no regrets.

Jessie and I now have a strong relationship, we trust each other completely. She should have her baby in about five months now. Her family doesn't approve of what she did, but they didn't disown her. That's what we've been clinging on too for two months. I am still the cheer captain, but no one listens to me anymore. The high school hierarchy is so dumb.

Johnny's brother texted me the other day. Talking about how sorry he was, blah blah. I just want things to go back the way they were. I wasn't happy with Jonathan, but I kinda like my friends. I don't want to abandon Jessie though.

My days had changed dramatically. Instead of being bombarded with hellos and random thanks and sometimes hugs, walking into the school was like wearing yellow to a funeral. I stood out and everyone always stared at me, giving me dirty looks. The cheerleaders no longer treated me as a leader, they treated me like a freshman that didn't have any idea what they were doing. Life became hard, at least i had my smarts. My grades stayed the same, and lunch was with Jessie. We had good times together, making plans to hang out or plans for the baby. Her parents took it okay. They allowed for her to keep the baby, but had to put it up for adoption. 

Lucas, Jonathan's Brother, keep contacting me, trying to start conversations or just trying to make me feel better. I don't understand why, it was not his fault. He feels guilty, even though he had no correlation with the topic. I think I will respond...eventually.


SUPER short chapter guys but it will get better soon I promise! Leave suggestions and comment and like if you want!

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