Chapter 10

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Marion's POV

The girls practiced extensively as the Music Bank is just a day away. They are currently practicing in the studio and I'm sitting outside trying to find something productive to do.

"Hey!" I said to Hyungsoo as he was passing by, "Oh Marion, didn't see you there?" he replied, "Where are the girls?" he asked, I pointed at the door leading to the studio, "I think they will not be out until noon." I said, "You want to eat a quick snack?" he suggested, "Sure! I haven't eaten this morning." I answered as I stood and followed Hyungsoo to the cafeteria.

"Woah! YG has this inside?" I asked seeing the large cafeteria that can be already considered as a establishment of its own. "YG provides three meal courses to its staffs and artists to make sure they are eating right and healthy." Hyungsoo said.

"So many choices." I said looking at the menu, "Help yourself, pick anything you like." Hyungsoo replied, I nodded in reply, eyeing the foods I want to eat.

It was supposed to be just a quick snack but the food we picked is enough to last a whole day, we then sat on a free table and started to dig in. "This is really delicious!" I exclaimed, "Yeah! I've been here for about 7 years and I never got tired of the food here." Hyungsoo replied, "Woah! 7 years?!" I asked, "Yup!" he answered, "And I was able to maintain that because I have a good relationship with the staffs and the artists." he continued.

I stopped from eating when I heard his words, "You thought I forgot about the other day, didn't you?" he asked looking at me, "Yeah! I really hoped that you did." I answered looking down at my food, "So spill!" he commanded. "Uhm, it's nothing really. Lisa and I just got in a bit of disagreement that's all." I replied playing with my food.

"So you're telling me that, this has nothing to do with a man we shall not name threatening you?" he stated, "What?! How did you-" I looked at him surprised, "Yeah I know already." he said,  "You do?" I asked, "Yes. I know everything." he responded, "Everything?" I asked, "Yeah everything! The girls tell me everything. So there's no point in hiding any detail. I just want to hear it from you." he said, "Sure they do." I  realized that he was right there's no point in hiding it to a person that knows the girls very well.

I told him everything and he just listened to every word I said seriously. "That's what really happened. I'm sorry." I followed, "No it's okay. In some point, you'll have some misunderstandings." Hyungsoo replied, "The girls told me another thing that you will be leaving the house. Why?" he asked, "Oh I just figured that if I keep staying with them the problem with Jungkook will only worsen so I decided to find a new place to stay." I replied, "Okay, I understand where you coming from." he responded, "Yeah! Everything went downfall since the day me and Lisa went to that amusement park. When I became friends with them I never thought I could be that happy but since then only bad things started to happen. I couldn't even tell anymore if me and the girls are still friends." I said as lowered my head on the table,"Ask them." he replied, "I don't want to. I'm afraid to know their answer." I told him.

"I always thought about if it was right accepting to be their housekeeper and their petsitter. I was only their fan and now I'm causing them problems." I continued, "Do you regret it?" he asked, "No. I just don't wanna see them having a hard time because of me especially Lisa." I answered. He smiled, "So what are you going to do?", "I'll just keep this act a little bit more and see where it leads." I said as I stand up and gather all our utensils and went to the utensils area.

The girls finished their practice around 1 pm and they were all hungry. They were walking along Hyungsoo and I was behind them carrying their things,"Marion, you okay with all of that?" Hyungsoo asked, "Yeah, I got this." I answered.

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