Spread the Peace.

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OK, when i tell you that i was excited when i realised i won the Mindless Behavior contest is an understatement. I was so skied that i almost got sent to re-hab due to people thinking that I'm on drugs. Every one always said that i was a good dancer, i just never belived them until now.


Uhh d" One of my best friends . I think she was a little more excited thanks the rest of us. Maybe because shouterthem fb IFFY thshe's the Hyper one of the group. Her name is Nicole, but we call her Nick. Why. I will never know.

"Nick, calm down OK, they are just a bunch a really sexy guys who just so happen to know how to sing, dance and act. Not to mention are world famous, can get any girl they want and have plenty of money to spend on there loved ones but instead try to be cheap ass niggas, like most of the people i know, so it's no big deal." That was Lulu who was the lest excited. See the thing with Lu is that she isn't into all of the pop culture like Nick and Ruby.

"Lu, let loose i mean come on, they are like forever sexy. I would love it for Roc royal to come and swoop me off into the sunset anytime"That if you wouldn't tell was Rudy.

"Ditto twin, i would love for Princeton to do that to me, but for for me while i stare into those beautiful eyes of his......" Nick babbled on to Ruby who looked like was hanging off of her every word and agreeing with every single word. You see, Rudy and Nick aren't really twins. But they outta be. Ruby is a while girl with Fiery untamed long Red hair and Nick is a mixture of Japanese( Dad) and Black (Mom) with dark silky black hair., but they have the same thought and taste on EVERYTHING. So you'll often her them call each other Twin.

"Ohh, shut up ding dongs, if you wanna talk about sexy then i'll talk about Alex Gaskarth" Lu shouted to the twins and folded at the same time. Right now we are at my house to try to finish packing. We all have been neighbors since birth, so we all grew up together. And our family's are kinda rich so, since each of our house has up to 10 bedrooms i believe we all have our own room at each others house. In side each room are everything you need, a bed, a bathroom, a closet, clothe everything. And it kinda helps that we are all the same size.

"Guys, come on we have to finish packing before the boys' limo gets here" I said to the three arguing girls.

"Chill out BB" Ruby stared

"We have like an Hour" Nick finished. See they even finish each others sentences.

"Dorkamese Twins, she's right, you know how long it'll take you to pack all of your thing's" Lu said sideing with me.

"Hey, don't call us Dorkamese.....Aww forget it call us what ever the hell you what" The Twins said at the same time and started packing.

"Dude's turn on some Music, this silence is giving me a headache" I said to Lu how was closes to the radio. She moved an inch to press the button and the radio guy person, who ever the hell the correct name for him, came on. And his next words made all of us stop and listen.

"Lets give it up for or 2012-2016 Mindless Behavior dance contest winners, Mrs, Bambi-Brazil Winter, Lulu Scott, Nicole Ryder, and Rudy Diamond. You all know the prize. The five special ladies will go live and go on tour with MB for 4 years. They will serve as background dancers, background singers and all formal dates to MB, unless not wanting to. So Bambi-Brazil, Lulu, Ruby and Nicole this song is for you"

With that he ended his speech and started to play MB's song My girl and when that was Over, Mrs. Right. By the time Those two songs were finished everyone was finished packing and tired.

"I'm so Hungary" Ruby groaned

"Ditto, twin starving" Nick also groaned.

When Mrs. Right when off 'Gucci this, Gucci that' by the OMG Girlz was playing got everyone on there feet, and not in a good way,

"EWW TURN IT OFF, TURN IT OFF NOW" We all said in unison and because the first word was spoken the radio was off and dumped into the trash.

"Aww, Bambi B, now you have to get another radio" Lu said with a frown on her face

"Yea, i really liked that one"Nick stated

"Yup, it so so cute and all retro" Ruby said All of us look at the trashcan with my OLD radio in it. Here's the thing. We don't like the OMG Girlz not one bit. We think that they are nothing but a bunch of untalented, stuck up fake people. And we don't do fake ANYTHING. To be honest, i think i would rather my torn limb from limb but several wildebeest then to listen to one of there songs.

"OOOHHH, CAN I DO IT THIS TIME, PLEASE OH PLEASE I NEVER GET A CHANCE TO DO IT PLEASE" Nick plead. What she means is that when we were an interview, song or there names, we throw away our whatevers and burn it. And when i say what eve-rs, i mean anything that can be disposed of.

"Sure, just be careful" Nick when and got a lighter from one of my cabinets, No i do not smoke, and burned radio inside of the trashcan.

"It was nice knowing you" Ruby said as she got the fire extinguisher and put out the fire like a pro " Now lets go eat" She said after she made sure all the fire was gone.

"Ohh, how about some Taco's or some mexican takeout"Ruby suggested

"I second that motion" Nick while high fiving Ruby.

"Or who about we have a Mexican dinner here at Bambi B's house where Chef Reuben will cook for us." Lu said making them look and sound like the idoit's i've grown to know and love.

"Now i second that motion" I said as we headed out my room and down stairs.


Tell me what did you think of it. It's my first Fan Fiction and im so excited to write this so i would really like to know what you guys think of the story so far

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