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''Ohilmigod, it's no good to see you guys again.'' Star said. Yea, we know who they are we just dont like them.

''Yea, you to'' Prodigy said looking a bit uncomfortable as he was being smotherd by Beauty. I don't even.thing shes all that pretty.

''What are you guys doing here.'' Baby Doll asked.

''Oh, were here with the girls who won the contest. They're in a Girl group called 'Electric Rebel'.'' Prince.explained.

''Ohh,'' Beauty said looking the other girls up and down. ''Where's Roc'' Everyone pointed behind her. She did a 180 spin and gasped.

''What happened to you'' Baby doll exclaimed.

''We pulled a joke on the guys'' Roc said trying to wipe the makeup off his face.

'' We.'' Baby Doll asked. Roc pointed towarss me and gasped.

''Ewww what happened to her.'' Beauty said. I just ignored her. And whiped all the makeup off my face and ripped off the torn clothe.

''Omg your so pretty and you're is so pretty how much did it all cost.'' Syar asked.

''Unlike you guys my hair is real and so is my face. And my body.'' i said. I was this - close to punching them in the face.

''You sure'' Beauty.

''I'm fucking positive, you know what.....'' i said but was cut off by a familiar squeal.

''Bambi-Brazil, oh your still here.'' all of sudden u was engulfed in a hug by my mother Jessica Burciaga. I looked at the boys and their mouths hit the floor ten times as much as it did when they let me. They don't think i noticed.

''Mama, what are you doing here.'' I asked through my teeth. I loved my mom but she can be a bit over dramatic.

''Oh, i waa meeting my editer for magazine. But that the fuck are you wearing.'' Finally noticing my outfit.

''Oh, i pulled the dead trick on the guys.'' i said.

''Ok, well take it off'' She instructed. Mother is big on image.So i did.

''Hi girls'' Mother said. They gave a small hi. ''OHH and before i forget, you left your credit card and your teddy bear. Oh, and that ine bra that maked your breast.......''


Guy when i put = it means a text. This + means talking in spanish. This / means talking in french. This & means speaking in German. Those sign will apper before the text. So thoes are the languages she knows and thats who i'll put them. If confused tell me.


+ Momma there are boys who dp not need to know about that+ I told her in Spanish.

+Well sorry, but don't you want u

Your boods to look good.+

+Yes mama, but not in front of boys+

+Well then how else are you gonna fuck a guy+

+On my own time mama+

+well sorry you have a young grwat body use that tight sweet pussy of you'rs and get the guy.+

+OMG MOM, that's nasty+

+Whatever, i'm just helping you, call me when you get fucked. Oh and anal is the best.+ My mom said she walked away. I guess Princeton couldn't hold it in anymore cause he fell on the floor laughing. I just looked in the way my mother went. Cerdit card, bra and stuffed animal in hand.

''Omg, Princeton shut the fuck up'' I said hitting him with my bra.

''What did she say'' Prodigy asked.

''You don't wanna know'' i told and continued to hit to Princeton with my bra as he continued to laugh.

''I'm hungry. Let's go eat.'' Rayray said.

''Yea, sure.'' Roc said looming normal again. '' Babe, let's put the stuff in the car.''

''Ok,'' i said. We walked towards the carts and startes pushing them to the exit. I put my bra and teddy in the cary and my card in my back pocket.,

''Can we go eat to.'' The OMG GIRLZ SAID TOGETHER.

''No'' Us girls said at the same time the boys said ''Yes''

''No'' ''Yes''

''No.'' ''Yes''

''Stop.'' Lulu yelles before we could say anything again. ''You can come. But don't sit near us girl or talk to us. We don't like you. You're a bunch of spoiled auto-tune bitches who cant sing lice for sit without screaming the lyric off key and out of tune. Your tone def monkeys, who can't write a decent song for shit. You should be lucky that Baby B didn't punch yall square in the face. We can do yall 1000x better. Remembered that.'' Lulu said to them.

''Ohh, yea. Then a sing/dance off. Whoever wins gets to preform on the next tour as a solo act.'' Beauty challenged.

''Ok and when we wipe the floor.'' Ruby started.

''with yall ugly asses and cheap weave.....'' Nick continued

''Yall know they winner''Ruby finished.

''Bitch, out weave is better than hers'' Star said pointing towards me.

''Bitch this is 100% real, did you not see my mother. Bitch I'm Mexican, Irish, French, German, Dutch, Putero Rican, English, Black, Dominican, Romanian, and Swedish. All thoese countries have long hair. Bitch. ALL MINE.''I yelled i hate when people say this is weave. If i didn't have any hispanic in me, then i'd look white and no just a super light skin black person.

''Whatever, anyway Tommorw 3 o clock Prince theater.'' Baby Doll said.

'' Judges. MB, Keisha, Walter, and Beyonce'.'' I said.

''You know Beyonce.'' Princeton asked.

''Yup and Nicki Miniga. She's my god-mother.'' i said.

''Find''The OMG GIRLZ said and stormed off. When they left, i pulled out my phone and called Jack. His was the mall Po po.

''Jack, yea please kick there girls, about 5'1'' - 5'3'' two skinny, one chuddy, one has pink hair, the other one has purple and tge other one had Blue....Great...Thanks..They are the OMG GIRLZ..k....bye''. After that was finished, i sent out a mass Text, Tweet, Facebook,Instagram,and Tumblr. I some of my friends like the OMG GIRLZ, but most don't. Well only our haterz. You know they saying.My enemy's enemy is a friend.


When u finished that i texted Beyonce. I know her because my aunt is her back up dancer.

=@Beyoncek. Auny B and you be a jugde for a sing/dance off between ER and OMG GIRLZ=

=@BabyB. Sure where and when.=

=@Beyoncek. Texas, prince theater. 3 o clock.=

=@BabyB. Good thing i'm back home for a month. But sure c u there.=

''So what did she say'' Prodigy asked me when i put the phone in my back pocket.

''She said yes'' i said and started pushing the cart towards the car.

''Wher e to.''The driver asked.

''Take the guys to the bus and take us to the Necter dance studios please.'' Ruby said.

''What why cant we come.'' Prodigy asked.

''Why can't we get some food'' Rayray complained

''Driver take the boys to Taco bell.'' Nick said. He loomed at me.

'' Confirmed Charles, and as you guys, i want to you be surprised. Oh and Charles, come pick us pjut a 5 am from the bus. We wont to be back at the bus by 12.''

''Ok'' and off he went.

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