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The concert was over and i'm glad it's over. All i could think about was Babe.

I'm staring to think Nick has a crush on me. The entire concert she was shouting ' Give it to me baby' l. What a weird girl.

''Come.on guys, i need a shower. My pit's, and feet are stanky.'' Prod said to us. 2 hours of dancing makes a guy stink. As we were walking back to the bus, fans started screaming. We stopped and did a few autographs but for the most part we went straight to the bus.

''OMG you guys did do good, i almost fainted''Nick said trailing behinde me like a lost puppy. I would like this girl more if she didn't stalk me. I glanced back to see Ruby and Roc walking and laughing like normal people. What cant she be more like Ruby.

''Oh, i didn't know you felt that way.'' Nick said. I could see they hurt on her face. Shit, i must have said that out loud.

''I didn't mean it like that i just meant look at Ruby and Roc, they're laughing and walking and talking like friends as you're just following me. I like you Nick, but i need you to be more chill.'' I explained to Nick trying to let her down easily.

''Oh, i can do that'' Nick said like it was no big deal.

''So how about that baseball game on friday night.....'' Nick stared with mr as we walked back to the bus. Once we got in the bus i stoped causing everyone behind me to collided into my back.

'' Dude, i stink and i need to take a shower before i kill someone with the power of funk.'' Rayray said.

''OHMIGOD, I've never seen this place so stopless.'' Prodigy said steping around be.

''That's because when Bambi B got back she from seriou cleaning. Oh and BTW all og you guys clothes are arranged but color'' Lulu said coming out in a pair of Zebra print fottie pajamas.

''Fuck yes, Bambu brought the animl fotties. YES.'' Ruby yellrd in my ear running towards the bunks to change with Nick running after her.

''All 4 of you stink, go wash before Baby B has another episode.'' Lu said. She didnt have to tell us twice. We all git washed and dressed in out jamies. What your never to old for baby words. It cool.

''I'm starving, lets go find something to eat.'' Prodigy said

''You is one fat nigga, lets go.'' When we come out of the bunck, the girl werd all dressed up as animals. Lu was Zebra, Nick was a mouse, Ruby was a monkey and Bambi was a really sexy bunny. Even thougj they were all wereimg footies.

'' Are you guys hungry, dinner ready'' No even 2 seconds later everyone was at the table. She cooked breakfast for dinner.

''OHHIGOD, you but my favorite meal in my favorite food. Breakfast taco.'' Ray said tears if happiness streamdd down his face as he toom a bit out of his food. He started chewing, the all of a sudden he gasped and spit his food out. He all looked at him. He has never rejected food ever. Babe looked as though she was gonna cry. Ray got up, pushed his seat in and walked towards Babe. No one spoke a word. Hs went up to her and kissed her. HE KISSED HER.

''Babe, that is so fuckimg good it like heaven in my mouth. I havnt tastes anything that good in my LIFE. AND I LOVE PRINCES FOOD.'' Ray yelle and stat back doen to eat the rest of his food. I admit i hurt but once i tries the food it was vanished.

''So where off tommorw, what do you wanna do'' Roc askes in between bites.

''THE POOL.'' Nick yelled.

'' Can't all our bathing suits were thown away plus, Baby B is OCD.'' Ruby said.

''Naw it's ok, we can buy new ones and if we go to the pool at 17 and Dirt lane, i can swim there remeber. The staff is OCD, plys it was a canopy over it so no leaves or bugs can get into the pull. Only sun.'' Babe simply explained.

''Ok the it settled. Mall, then pull'' Roc said.

''Hey prod you ok, your kind of queit.'' i asked prod

''HMMMM'' he moned. He was still stuff his face with food as always and so was Rayray and now so was Roc.

''Well I'm going to bed. Night night'' The girls said together. They went into the bathroom to brush they're teeth. I gave them a good 10 minutes before u went back there and tucked Bambi B in. Kissing her goodnight.

'' Have sweet dreams princess.'' And i did they same with the other three. I grew up my whole life surrounded by girls and my mama always tought me to treat a girl like a princess. And these girls deserve exactly that.

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