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It all started when Jazmine and I were talking about the tooth fairy. How would I have known things would've started off like this?

"The tooth fairy will be coming soon!" Jazmine exclaimed with a innocent grin on her face, showing one of the teeth that was pulled out

"The tooth fairy?" I questioned her, raising my eyebrow 

"Yep! Every time I lose a tooth, the tooth fairy takes it away and leaves a dollar under my pillow." Her grin widened as she watched my read one of the stories of the Black Panther

"There ain't no such thing as a tooth fairy." I carelessly said, shifting my eyes upwards at Jazmine 

"Then who's leaving the money?"

"Probably your parents. They both have cash and the access to your room."

"Why would they lie to me?" She asks as tears swell up in her eyes, her face softens into her sad puppy dog eyes she always do 

"Because the truth hurts Jazmine. The world is hard and a lonely place, nobody gets anything for free. You want to know what else? One day, you and everyone you know is gonna die." I said coldly, slowly getting up 

Jazmine bursts into tears, running off back to her house. I did not feel bad for one word I said. I couldn't beat around the bushes with her. She was going to find out sooner or later. 

"You enjoy abusing people's illusions." I heard a voice behind me, shifting my eyes toward the ground. There a shadow of a man that was above me. I kept still, and continued listening.

"I respect that." He spoke again as I felt the words hitting my back for some odd reason, giving me the chills down my spine. 

"It's thankless work." I bluntly say, slowly turning my head to the side, taking one good look at the man slightly. 

I could barely see him, really didn't want to neither. This man out of know where gotten behind me, and seen everything that just happened. This can't be my imagination. There is no way under the sun, underneath the Earth, or the solar system. 

"Who are you?" I turn my back all the way, facing the white man, which was obvious. He spoke proper, but calm. He wore glasses that didn't reveal his eyes, outfit all black, and some of his hair slicked to the side. 

"Nobody, really." He answers, slowly shrugging his shoulders 

Nobody right? Why would "nobody" want to stalk me in the middle of the day for? It ain't like I'm famous or something.

"Just thought you might want to talk to someone who understands." He says as his eyes shifted down towards my small of a frame called body. 

"You don't know me." I said boldly as I kept eye contact with him, wondering what this man wanted from me. 

"I know you better than you think, Huey Freeman."

"How do you even know my name? I don't believe what the hell is going on right now. What is it that you want? Is it that you don't believe in me or something, or you want to see me fail? You wanna watch my downfall right? Oh, I know, you heard about me, the domestic terrorist, all over the news back in the day, you wanna see me crumble." I slowly roll my eyes, looking towards the distance. 

"It's not that I don't believe you Huey-" He says before getting interrupted by me 

"It's that I don't believe you, and I'm not interested." I interrupted the man, pointing at him,  walking off back to the block to where my house is. 

I am really being followed by a secret government agent. They've done did it this time. I might be in some trouble trouble. I walk up the steps, walking inside the house, seeing Riley and Grandad at the kitchen table. They were discussing how "Xzibit" were going to pimp "their ride." This was basically both of them making a sob story that Granddad was blind, and wanted his ride "pimped." Which is a whole lie, but we'll get into that later. 

I was imagining the scenario in my mind if I were to tell Grandad that I was being followed my a secret government agent. I'm sure as hell he won't believe me. Nobody does. I know I could not hold this in much longer. I'm in danger. Only I, myself, knows that. Come to think about it, nobody can help me, and no one will believe in me. I silently sighed, beginning to think how will things turn out from now on. This white man says he is watching my every move, so I got to be cautious of everything. It's not going to stop me from speaking my mind, I'll just have to find another way. How far will it go? How long will it take until they come looking for me? I'm ready for anything these niggas throw at me. 

Before I say anything, I want to thank @thedepressedchild00for making the cover of my book! I really appreciate it sis, much love.
Don't forget to vote! I would like to introduce my new story, "Catch me If You Can - Huey Freeman." I am so excited for this short story! I love the Boondocks and was looking forward to writing this. I hope all my readers enjoy this short story as I am writing it. 

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