Chapter 1: My Crush

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     It was Monday morning right before first period, "KACCHANNNNN" my friend Bri (Kirishima) yelled from down the hall, "What's up Kirishima?" I said catching her as she ran into my arms for a hug. "Ohhhhhh, I missed you sooooo much! I love you Kacchan your my best friend!" she said letting me go and walking over to her locker right next to mine. I turned around to ask her a question about our science project, but I felt two arms wrap around my waist. I turned around, it was Jin! "Jin!" I said jumping into his arms and hugging him but my Euphoria didn't last long, "oh look the rat finally has a boyfriend, oh wait I forgot she's not a rat shes a fox bird mix " said one of the popular girls pointing at my wings, fox tail, and fox ears, "She's not a fox bird mix you are!" Bri snapped back slamming her locker and turning to face the bully's. They all looked at her and laughed as they walked away and I didn't realize it at the time but Jin was still holding me, "Ok well we should go to class" Jin said putting me down and kissing the top of my head before walking away. "Kirishima?" I said grabbing my things from my locker "Yeah Kacchan?" she said waiting for me to walk to class with her, "I-I know me and Jin have been friends for over 10 years but I think......I think I love him...." I said feeling my face get hot and red. "Awwww! I SHIP IT!" she said giggling, I laughed too, then I shut my locker and headed off to class with Kirishima. 

    After our first period class we had History, and lucky for me, the teacher put me, Jin, and Bri in the same group, because some other kids were misbehaving so we had to get new groups. I sat in the middle of Jin and Bri, we later found out we had to do a project on 9/11 so me, Jin, and Bri set off to work. By the time we even started the bell rang for science so we would still be right beside each other, Jin saw the girls that made fun of me in the morning and wrapped his arm around me, making me blush, until we got to science. In science we had a sub so we all got on our laptops and messaged each other in our group chat. 

Bri: This is soooo lame -_- 

Jin: I know right! Hey Taylor......?


Jin: So, the winter dance is coming up                                                                                                                          soon so I was thinking, do you want to                                                                                                                          go to the dance with me? 

                                                                                                                       Taylor: YES JIN! 

Jin: but just as friends right...?                

                                                                                                                       Taylor:.....oh......well yeah I guess...

Jin: Oh ok.......

Right after Jin sent that we had to put our lap tops away and take a test about the water cycle  

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