Chapter 5: The Beginning Of A New Life

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      We woke up at 7:30am to eat and call a taxi to come pick us up and take us to the air port. I turned off the alarm and got up out of bed, Jin was still sleeping, I walked over to Jin's dresser where I had put my clothes. I walked into the bathroom and changed into a pair of black paints and a grey shirt, then I heard Jin get out of bed and walk down the stairs to make breakfast before we leave, so I had time to brush my hair and teeth and put on some light makeup. When I was done with all that I left the bathroom to see all our bags waiting by the front door, "Come eat baby girl the taxi will be here in 20 minuets!" Jin called from in the kitchen. "Here I come Oppa!" I called back running down the stairs, I walked into the dinning room to see that Jin had made pancakes. He was putting my plate on the table, then he turned around to say something but he didn't get to far "Babe you sh-" he looked at me and was dumb founded, " look amazing..." He said looking at me. "Thanks Jin..." I said feeling my face get red. 

       We finished eating and ran out the door with our bags, and got into the taxi, the driver drove us to the air port and didn't ask any questions. But Jin and I had a private plain because he can't ride with other people because Army doesn't know about me yet. We got onto the plain and started our 10 hour flight to South Korea, at the 5 hour mark me and Jin watched a movie as we ate snacks that the flight attendant had given us. Then we finally landed in Seoul South Korea, ready for me to start a new life.... as soon as Jin and I got off the plain we saw the rest of BTS. I was supper shy at first "Ahahhahahhaha Taylor I'm your biggest fan" Jimin yelled as I got off the plain after Jin, "Jimin calm down she's shy around new people." Rap Monster told him smiling at me and I couldn't believe it.... I was seeing his dimples in person. "T-thanks Rap M-Monster..." I said blushing. "Awwwwwww look how cute she is..." Tae said looking at me up and down "Tae.....back off...." Jin said looking at Tae. 

    To be continued....

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