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1. No OP characters

2. No smut. Take that to PMs. Kissing and such is ok, however.

3. Keep cursing to a minimum, and censor all curse words with a single star.

4. Hate the character, not the roleplayer.

5. You may have unlimited characters, as long as they are all occasionally used.

6. No killing anyone without the permission of Zor or Wolf and the roleplayer.

7. Cause drama, if you wish. We like drama here uwu

8. Please roleplay in full sentences.

Example: Evelyn ran through the forest, her feet starting to ache. She glanced back at the others and shouted, "Run faster! We're almost to the barrier!"

10. The only canon characters are Chiron and Mr. D.

11. You may request a parent that isn't listed. To do this, you must PM an admin.

12. Quests aren't mandatory, but they are fun, so join one if you want!

13. You may begin roleplaying once you are accepted.

14. Password is your favorite canon character and book.

ADMINS ARE @zorkol and @Wolfraider56

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