Quest #1

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Chiron has called a mandatory meeting after receiving some new frightening information.

Chiron stands up from his wheelchair to make an announcement.

"With some new information coming to light, I feel obligated to call a quest. A mortal, Lance Quinnôk, has been working for something larger then himself, an evil force. Oliver, his younger brother and the head of Cabin 13, had a vision. I'll allow him to explain." Chiron says with worry in his eyes.

Oliver Quinnôk, that Hades kid that you've seen around, stands up in front of the whole camp.

"Fellow campers, I have some bad news. My older brother, a clear sighted mortal, Lance, has been capturing and killing demigods. And we need to stop him. He's gotten ahold of celestial bronze weapons, so he's even more dangerous than I previously thought. So I want to take a group of five, with me and Rosalie at the head of it, to find and stop him, and bring some Half-Bloods to safety." Oliver makes the announcement, and you notice that he's shaking. A blonde girl stands up and give him a hug and grabs his hand. She whispers something to him that you can't hear. He nods his head and looks up again. You then realize that she's probably Rosalie, the other person he mentioned earlier.

"So, I need three campers... Brave and strong enough to help me stop Lance. He isn't like most mortals. He knows things, and he is cutthroat. He will kill like it's taking candy from a child. So we need to be careful. Who volunteers?" He asks the crowd.

1: Oliver Quinnôk- Hades- Zorkol
2: Rosalie Jenkins- Aphrodite- Lostgirlfromhogwarts
3: Indigo- Iris- AJ_Hearts605
4: Callum Pantheo- Satyr- Blizzardtheomega
5: Ash Solåstre- Apollo- Mycatolaf

This quest is first come first serve. Comment your characters name, parent, powers and weapons if you would like to participate!

Camp Half-Blood RoleplayTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang