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it was an warm summer day when sunshine jones was woken to the sound of her mother rummaging through her bags.
"what are you doing mom" asked sun
"change of plans hun, were leaving for California today"
"why?! i haven't said goodbye to my friends or-"
"no buts,  were leaving at nine" said vivian, sunshine's mom, before she abruptly left the room, most likely to fix her own bag.
sunshine was anything but happy about this latest piece of information. sunshine was a very outgoing and happy girl who had many friends so finding out that she was being forced to say goodbye to her happy life in maine made her want to scream bloody murder.
she reluctantly got out of bed and trudged to the kitchen, still in her pj's, and grabbed her favorite cereal, cocoa puffs, and poured herself some.
her dad came in, wearing the same face that she had been sporting a couple minutes ago.
"hey im not coming to LA just yet" said ben.
sun's face dropped. her father was the life of the party in her eyes and even though he had made some mistakes,  sunshine had always favored him. her day was getting worse and worse.
"why" asked a desperate sunshine
"your mother insists i patch things up with hayden and make sure everything's alright before i come up" said an embarrassed ben.
"oh" sighed sun.
looks like it would be a while before her dad came up. ~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~
time skip  (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。゚
it was nine thirty and vivian and sunshine had only just said goodbye to ben. they were extremely late. The airport was 1 hour away and there flight left at ten. sunshine was pretty happy about this but vivian on the other hand was freaking out like a mad man. she was pissing off everyone within a fifty mile radius, including herself. but by some miracle, maybe viv's never ending rage, they made it to the airport just in time.
sunshine was hoping for something  to happen to stop their flight, but as sunshine and her mother boarded the flight 26-A it was clear to sun that she was going to that stupid victorian house in California, the same stupid victorian house that the infamous tate langdon was sitting in biding his time away.

that was the first chapter of the book:)
any appreciation would be nice.
if you couldn't tell, sunshine's parents are ben and vivian and of course there last name isn't harmon it's jones. hopefully i will get the second chapter out soon

~emo bubblegum ( ˘ ³˘)♥

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