A New Chapter

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Ever want take a break from the world and just be around peace?

Feeling the wind hitting your in every direction while looking at the leaves falling and the flowers are blooming

Taking mother nature in and embracing it's true beauty

Laying on your back while staring at the clear blue sky 

Thinking your problems out loud while the universe responds back

Putting your hands in the dirt while the little pebbles of rocks intertwine with your fingers 

Feeling the sun showing love to your body looking at all the different beautiful souls passing by

Think about it 

Take the time out of your day and appreciate  the world for a minute 

Leave out with a fresh mind

Looking back at all the obstacles you have overcome in life so far and laughing at all the nonsense you had to dealt with in the past

I look back at everything with a smile knowing that I am slowly becoming the queen that I was meant to be

Pat myself on the back being proud of all the accomplishments I made possible 

Feeling my  momma smiling back at me as the sun is hitting my every direction

Hugging myself with a sense of happiness and at ease

Feeling my mind, body and soul at peace surrounded by positive vibes

That is what you call spiritual healing!.......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2019 ⏰

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