Chapter 3

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He had gone pale, stumbled past me to the toilet and vomited. I could hear the choking sounds. He coughed, strangled again.
It occurred to me that perhaps it was because of me that he had to vomit now. I swallowed, hoping earnestly that the alcohol was to blame.
I followed him, saw him sitting in front of the toilet and crouched behind him, stroking his back.
We stayed until he had calmed down again. After that I did get up, got a glass of water and gave it to him to drink.
Without a word he took it, first rinsed his mouth and then drank the rest.
His face was still pale and you could see that he was not feeling well.
'I can't leave him alone in this condition...' came to my mind and immediately pushed him out of the little bathroom and to my bed.
Without resistance, he let me lay him in my bed and cover up.
"And now sleep off your intoxication" I instructed.
If he hadn't been drunk and totally exhausted, he would've certainly spoken back now, but he remained silent, looking at me only with his red eyes which he finally closed.
"I'm sorry..." he said softly and finally fell asleep.

I watched him for a while. He was so different then I knew him. It was almost strange. And yet somehow nice.
I started to smile, gently stroking his hair, then lay down next to him on the blanket. I did not dare to cover myself as well.
The sound of his calm breath finally made me fall asleep, too.


The next morning I was awakened by a warm breeze tickling my neck.
In my sleep I somehow managed to pull the blanket over my body and lay on my side with my back to Kacchan who was lying behind me with one arm around me. He had clung to me and his warm breath was what had awakened me.
Immediately I felt the heat in my face again, then gently pushed his hand away from me and slipped out of bed. I stretched for a moment, glancing at the clock. It was almost half past eight.
I had slept longer than I usually did, looked at Kacchan for a moment, then disappeared into the bathroom.
I needed to use the toilet then washed my face.
As I went back to my room afterwards, Kacchan was still sleeping.
Quietly I put the balcony door on tilt, so that some fresh air could penetrate into the room and then began rummaged in my backpack.
If he woke up, he would probably have a terrible headache.
I stopped for a moment. Actually, he was quite right. What did he have to get drunk? But ... where the hell did he gotten the alcohol? I had not seen anything like that. There were no unusual drinks available, except...
Slowly it dawned on me. The fruit punch! Probably the alcohol had been there and that's the reason why it had tasted so strangely bitter.
I pressed my lips together, finally finding the painkillers I had for an emergency. I put two pills of them together with a glass of water on my bedside table, then wrote "Take those!" on a piece of paper, which I clamped under the glass and then left the room.
I had to find Minoru and ask him how much of that stuff he had poured in the punchbowl.

In the community area I found him.
"Mineta!" I spoke to him. My voice was angry. Even in my own ears.
He yawned, then greeted me and paused when he saw my expression.
This time I had no desire to be friendly. "How much alcohol did you tipped yesterday in this punchbowl?!" I snapped.
The small boy jumped and looked at me guiltily from below.
"W-Why are you asking?" he evaded.
"Doesn't matter!" I snapped, glaring at him. I didn't like that kind of fun!
"Oi Oi, Bakugô, such a bad mood already this early in the morning?"
Eijirô came down the stairs, had probably heard me and mistook me for Kacchan. Did I sound like him when I was angry?
"Midoriya?" he asked perplexed and looked around.
"What?" I snapped more furiously than I actually was.
"Wow... calm down... Do you have to compete with Bakugô or did you get up on the wrong side of the bed today?" He tried to appease me and raised his hands.
I took a quick breath, then looked at Minoru again. "Again to record: How much alcohol did you have poured in there? That's definitely not funny!"
The boy was about to burst into tears. Denki, who had had breakfast next to him, jumped in to help him. "Hey, calm down. It wasn't that much. We wanted to lighten the mood a bit and thought it would be the easiest way... " he explained, scratching the back of his head.
I slowly calmed down a bit, but still gave them an evil eye. "Then I hope for you that you are still alive tonight" I warned and disappeared into the kitchen.
With two bowls of cereal I made my way back to my room a few minutes later, ignoring the questioning looks of the others.

On the way up, Shôto came towards me and looked at me questioningly.
"Don't ask, I'll explain later. If I still alive then... " I said, left him and disappeared in my room.
One look at my bed told me Kacchan had woken up in the meantime. He had also swallowed the pills and drunk the water.
An arm lay over his eyes. He grumbled as the door closed behind me.
"What time is it..." he wanted to know softly and in a harsh voice.
"Just after half past eight..." I answered just as softly.
He pulled his arm away from his face and looked at me. "Why am I in your room...? What happened?"
I had to smile and put the cereal bowls on the table, put the two spoons next to it.
"You got drunk with the punchbowl yesterday, snuck in here when I took a shower and then attacked me after I came back, then vomited after that and finally fell asleep in my bed" I listed.
Kacchan had sat up and became more and more pale the further I told.
"Fuck..." he hissed, before he pushed the blanket aside and tried to jump out of bed.
I rolled my eyes, knew what was about to happen, and took a step towards him, catching him as his circulation failed for a moment.
I held him tight and pushed him back onto the bed.
Surprised that I could easily hold him, he looked at me. He probably underestimated me and my current strength.
"At least sit down until your circulation has started ... And you should eat something," I said calmly, took one of the bowls of cereal and a spoon and pressed both into his hands. "Eat!"


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