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Chapter 788 - Dealing with the Traitor

Hearing Hapless Frog's words, Tyrannical couldn't help but feel envious. How many Thieves were there in Conviction? Perhaps only the system itself could give you the exact figure. One thing was for sure, though. Almost all of them were imitating Nie Yan. However, up until now, no one had yet come close his speed, the same inhuman speed which allowed him to transcend everything and easily escape any enemy encirclement. There was a phrase used to describe the Mad Rogue, "Only copied, never surpassed."

Even Sun, King of the World, and the other Shadow Dancers couldn't imitate Nie Yan's speed, but Hapless Frog succeeded just now. He managed to comprehend some of the mysteries behind it and was one foot through the door. The path ahead of him was bright. As long as he slowly familiarized himself with this feeling, he would truly become the second coming of the Mad Rogue. Before long, everyone would remember his name.

After razing the Mona Stronghold, the Blood Reaver Corps vanished like a puff of smoke. The Thieves from Asskickers United couldn't find any trace of them.

Guo Huai reported the fall of the Mona Stronghold to Nie Yan.

「What are our casualties?」Nie Yan asked.

「We lost Black Heaven and Edgeless. That bastard Ashen One betrayed us.」Guo Huai explained roughly what happened during the battle.「Another traitor in the guild, and I didn't suspect a thing. It's my fault for being negligent.」

「Traitors are inevitable. After all, our guild is so big. Don't forget, we also have quite a few spies hidden in Angel Corps and the Century Financial Group,」Nie Yan said. However, he still felt a bit of heartache because Ashen One was someone he personally knew, one of the longest standing members of the guild. If it weren't for today's matter, he would've never suspected that Ashen One had already betrayed them.

「Should I do a sweep through the guild?」

「No, absolutely not. That'll only make our guild members feel even more disillusioned. I'll say a few words in the guild chat.」


Nie Yan pulled open the guild chat and discovered the mood here was pretty low. The fall of the Mona Stronghold was a heavy blow to morale, especially since a traitor had appeared in their midst. Even a veteran member like Ashen One had betrayed them. They felt a heavy ache in their hearts. How could they trust those around them?

「Liven up, guys. We only lost a small stronghold. We can take it back whenever,」Nie Yan said.

「Boss, you're here!」



Everyone in the guild chatted excitedly greeted Nie Yan, a warm feeling in their hearts. Though he rarely showed himself in here, they knew that whether he was out levelling, running a dungeon, or doing something else altogether, he always kept one eye on the guild chat. He was no stranger.

「Ashen One, t-that guy...」

「Ashen One is only one person. Given how large we've grown, it was inevitable. But that doesn't change anything. All of us have gone through so many trials and tribulations together before finally arriving at this stage together. Think about the brothers beside you and the many battles you've fought together. You trusted them then, so trust them now too. Even if there are others like Ashen One in the guild, who won't hesitate to stab me in the back, up until they do, I'll still give them my unconditional trust. So, don't feel down. Instead, we should be happy that a person has revealed their true colours. With Ashen One gone, we're among only true brothers again,」Nie Yan said.

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