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Chapter 851 - Holy Spirit Heart!

Even though Nie Yan had encountered some mishaps, finding the treasure went smoother than expected. Divine Power and another Sacred Object, what more could he ask for?

Nie Yan was just about to leave, when the whole statue started shaking violently.

Something was wrong!

Chunks of rock plummeted to the ground as a loud groaning sound reverberated around the room. The statue was collapsing! Cracks spread across the crystalline walls and the floor split apart.

Unknown Transfer Scrolls and other teleportation items couldn't be used here!

Nie Yan sprinted forward and leaped out of the staff from a hole in the crystalline wall. The sight that entered his eyes left him gaping in shock.

The corpses of the fallen soldiers in the Plains of Death had been reanimated. They were crawling up from the ground.

The Ancient Battlefield Portal has opened. Coordinates: 375.285.293823. The portal closes in 20 days.

Nie Yan glanced at the coordinates. The portal was at least a day's travel away at normal speed. However, that was assuming there were no undead blocking his path!

Slaughtering his way through them would be incredibly difficult!

Glancing at his skill bar, Nie Yan found that all his summoning skills had been sealed, except for the two skills from Lich King Insar's Ring. The ring was the heart of this world. So, it couldn't be restricted!

Beckon Doom and Soul Bind would have to do!

Just as Nie Yan was about to plunge into the sea of corpses, he activated a Glacial Freeze Scroll. A thick layer of frost swept out, turning every corpse in a 10-meter radius into an ice sculpture.


Nie Yan landed gently on the ground.

Beckon Doom!

A powerful dark energy surged out of Lich King Insar's Ring as three enormous Doom Sentinels appeared before Nie Yan. They were six-meter-tall giant skeletons clad in spiked black armour, with bone wings growing from their back. Their enormous greatswords overflowed with frightening power in spite of their corroded appearance.

The three Doom Sentinels brandished their greatswords and charged into the sea of corpses. Even though they were completely surrounded, they were like iron towers, firmly holding their ground.

Nie Yan gazed around. He saw corpses as far as his eye could see, stretching far off into the horizon. Their eyes were lifeless, and many had bodies that were badly mangled. However, none of this stopped them. They were mindless puppets.

This was a truly frightening number of skeletons!

The Doom Sentinels cleaved through the sea of corpses, as Nie Yan expected. It was what happened afterwards that left him gawking in shock. The fallen corpses melted into wisps of black smoke and became his dark servants.

The effects of Soul Bind!

His 4-man army soon doubled to eight, 16, 32... With a skill like this, there was nothing to worry about. Nie Yan could definitely reach the portal within 20 days!

The Doom Sentinels stormed forward, slaughtering hundreds of corpses. 200, 500, 1,000... Nie Yan's army kept growing in size. Soon, there were more undead than he could handle. He took charge over a small portion of these dark servants, while giving a general command to the rest. Kill the enemy!

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