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The textures of the ivory ceiling seem to ripple as my eyes drift open then closed over and over. My body feels warm. Almost as if it's being suffocated by the sun, but in a less harsh of a way. I see shadows drift along the painted walls and I realize that there are others in the large bright room I'm stuck within. I can almost hear what they're saying, but my mind is far off to know the words they speak. I feel heavy. In fact, my body seems to be soaking up all the gravity in the room because it seems as if things are floating away. See you later vase of flowers. A smile stretches wide across my face as I fall back into a dead dream.

Am I becoming a programmed in this very moment? My heart whispers it's goodbyes to the world I once knew of and the kind faces that once surrounded my vivid memories.

To my surprise, my eyes peel open and I am once more greeted by the ceiling and the vase of flowers to my right. The ceiling is still and the vase is planted stern on the bedside table. I hear an exclaimed sigh and my hazed vision is met with an older woman in white.

"Ah! Those pills wore off much sooner than I had anticipated!" Her cheeks are dotted with dimples and her lips are plump and pink as they smile. "Don't worry, dearest, we gave you some sedatives to help with the stressors that you seem to have. You should be feeling quite relaxed now!"

I slowly turn my face away from hers and gently close my eyelids. The darkness I'm met with begin to spot with the familiar scenes of the brightly colored fruits and different rustic treasures I had experience as a child. Oh, how I long to relive those moments.

"And miss," the woman begins, "Mr. Heartland isn't a bad man. He was worried about you. In fact, he should be here any moment to check on you."

It takes a few seconds to gain the strength to open my eyes and meet her gaze.

"He told me that his father created the technology to murder innocents," I begin coldly, "don't you dare defend him."

Her eyes grow large and almost frighten at my words. She takes a few steps back from the bed. I hear the clicks of her small heels distance from me. She nods her head and begins towards the large doors at the end of the room as my eyes fall back into my head. I'm so utterly and desperately exhausted.

"Oh!" I hear her voice rattle in my brain. Her surprised screech bouncing within the cavities of my mind. Get out.

"Is she awake? Is she alright?" It's no shock to me that Atlas' words meet my consciousness so abruptly. He sure is good at inconveniently disturbing my thoughts.

His hand feels cold against mine. His fingers are long and feel rough to the touch. I look up at him for a moment as I feel tears well in my eyes. I feel my face fall in defeat. A single tear rolls down my cheek, leaving it's residue wet in its path.

"You are awake," his voice is soft, as if he's whispering to a sleepy child, "I must explain in more depth on what was said before. You must understand. Clearly, you don't and I need to fix that. I need to know what the people on the mainland really think of us." He brings the back of his pointer finger to my cheek and softly wipes the falling tear away. All better.

I feel my body sink deeper into the soft bed and I realize that I'm destined to fall back into a deep slumber.

"Please let me sleep," I promptly beg. "Please don't turn me into one of them," I swallow back a sob, "I don't want to die."

His fingers tense around mine and I feel his face sadden over mine. Although rough, his hand feels warm and welcoming upon mine.

"We don't kill anyone, Raine. They are still there," his voice is quiet as it lingers in my mind, "and I have no intention to turn you. I have another idea for your punishment. We haven't even begun, don't you fret." His grasp unexpectedly disappears and I hear the echo of his steps grow distant as I fall back into my highly anticipated slumber.

Minutes of my rest turn to well deserved and needed hours.

The grogginess I had felt earlier in my conscious moments have been forgotten and I find myself alert and eager for anything and everything. I see the same woman as before look at me from a desk stationed in the corner of the room. Her eyelashes are long and clumped with a darkened paste I have yet to become familiar with. She feels uneasy with my presence, I can tell. She draws her attention from the glowing device on the desk to me as I clear my voice.

"Goodness, you were out!" She quickly stands up and brushes nonexistent wrinkles from her white skirt. "I'll send for Mr. Heartland. He informed me that you would be out for some more time and than for me to send for him once you awakened." Her stumpy fingers glide on the device and she begins towards the door. "He will arrive soon." And just like that, she opens the door and leaves me alone in this unfamiliar space.

I wonder the time. I look around the walls for a clock or some indication of the time. There's a large window across from my bed that glistens white and and yellow stars. It must be late.

Moments pass ever so slowly until the door opens wide. In the middle of the door way stands the silhouette of the toned man I have so unfortunately become familiar with. Mr. Heartland loves a good entrance.

"You should be well rested, yes?" His voice lacks the sympathy I am convinced I hadn't imagined from before. "Get up, then."

I refuse to move. Even my breath comes to a pause.

"This again." He clicks his tongue in disapproval. "Shame. You will soon realize that if you obey me you will gain benefits and opportunities."

"Is that so?" I state deadpanned.

His flawless face falls to the side. He silently walks towards me. One step at a time. Each step precise and perfect in his walk. He brings his face close to mine. Our chins, inches apart, and our breath colliding to one.

"My darling, you are simply but a game to me. A game I will beat and a game I will master." A malicious smile creeps dreadfully across his unhumored face. "Lucky for you, I have found myself to fancy you. So much so, in fact, I'm hosting a ball to welcome you, my guest, to the world of the rich and the powerful."

He bites his lip seductively as his dark eyes burn deep within mine. I almost offer a smile, but I am stuck and stunned in his presence.

The moment lingers and I find myself hypnotized by him. His pulls back and I am left parched for him to return. I shake myself out of it. He is no good, you know this. He once again leaves the room. His exit almost as dramatic as his entrance.

I pull the covers higher above and over my entire body. I let out a frustrated sigh and I begin to mentally prepare a game plan. If this is a game to him, I must play.

And I must win.

Heyo, author here. This chapter is totally a filler but hopefully it'll hype you up for future story updates! I have some juicy ideas.
As always, please leave comments, encouraging critiques, and anything and  everything else.

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