Recipe for a Famous Disaster

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Poppa Pio's POV:

One chilly October Friday did impact my fame and fortune. Without it I wouldn't be the best internet chef ever, known by my screen name "Poppa Pio" on iTube.
   On that specific day, after thousands of requests to do my favorite meal, I planned a brilliant idea for my next video, which was cooking my signature dish for my brand, the Chicken Parmesan. But I need only a few volunteers, so someone knocked on the door, and I answered.
   "Hi, Poppa Pio!" Four little girls fangirled with their parents coming in.
   "Hello, children. Are you planning to volunteer for my new video? It's going to have a million views!" I asked for an offer.
   "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" A blonde child shouted.
   "Can I go to the bathroom? I'm allergic to seasoning." A brunette questioned.
   "You may, but don't look at my whole house!"
   "My parents will help you be the camera people." Another girl in a lacy pink dress convinced me.
   "And I will be the director!" A girl with glasses volunteered, staring at the camera.
"Okay, come my crew! Let's get this party started!"
Eve's POV:

After confessing another lie about seasoning sickness, Adrielle, Naomi and I headed up to his bedroom. His room was neat, white, and gray like a snowstorm coming every day. Under his shelf there was a mysterious game called a ouija board.
"Oh Eve, don't touch that board game! You'll never know what it does!" Adrielle warned me as I ignored her.
"No, Adrielle. I'm very skilled at the ouija, and I have done it for 5 years!" I lied, forcing the girls to play.
"The game says that the recommended age to play is 8 years old. I think we all are old enough to do this." Naomi looked at the back of the box.
"Where's Melanya? I have to get her sometime!" I asked just as when Melanya dashed into Poppa Pio's bedroom with a camera.
"Lock the door, we can't let Poppa Pio know we're in his room!" Melanya whisper-commanded to us, recording a video. "Ooh, a board game! What does this thing even do?"
"It's a magical game! You're going to love it so much and trust me, I did that ouija board since I was little!" I bragged and lied again. Those tweedle idiots are always falling for my lies, so they'll never know I refused to have them be with me.
"Okay, my turn. The rules are to slide that planchette..." Naomi reread the box.
"What's a planchette?" I interrupted.
"That's the plastic thingy you call. But I thought you're experienced at this."
"Sorry, I have long term memory loss."
"And second, you ask a question." Adrielle added, playing the ouija, "After that, you'll get a response."
I snatched the board away from Adrielle soon after with Melanya and Naomi fighting back. I asked a question while we played the ouija board, "When will I stop this fight?" Suddenly, the lights went out and the window sill dropped with the blinds pulling down, frightening us. Then a lot of Pio's books collapsed from the shelf, tumbling to the floor.
"Run!" I told these losers as they panicked and left. I hacked into my mom's laptop and stole Melanya's camera to post the embarrassing video on iTube. As our parents, my "friends", and Pio ran outside because there was a ghost trashing the celebrity's house, I stopped the other camera, hacked onto Pio's channel and uploaded the haunted cooking video.
Alan's POV:

During history class, while Mrs. Knight opened up to iTube to look for a lesson video, a random video about a ouija board gone wrong popped up in the recommended.
"What is this video anyway?" She asked to herself and clicked on the link. It turned out that the video involving four young girls I recognized playing a ouija board had over 32 million views. Then another video filmed in the same house had only 16 million views.
   "Mrs. Knight, may I use the bathroom? It's an emergency!" I lied to the teacher.
   "You may. Class is over!" She replied.
   "Thank you!" I ran over to the nearest bathroom, making sure nobody is around. I inserted the nose ring as Raven came and took my phone out. Turns out that Poppa Pio, everybody's famous chef, wrote on Tweeter:
I am so infuriated right now because I can't believe that I had negative comments on my new video for being so "unprofessional". None of my volunteers helped me and something invisible trashed my house! How could I even trust these children of the volunteers to not go to my room while they were not listening? And they made a video in my bedroom and stole a haunted game without my permission, yet they got twice as many views as my cooking video! This is called an invasion of privacy and property harassment! I want my fame back and I want to put a restraining order on them!
   "Tastes so good, he wants to satisfy his fame cravings. I can feel negativity and this chef is going to have beef with these same young Level 4 students!"
   "Alan, don't-" Raven resisted.
   "Mythical Spirits, spoil the story!" I transformed into Darkbird, flying away, disguising as a real and ordinary bird. Inside my mask, the location to Poppa Pio's mansion blinked as I continued flying and getting nearer to the destination. Poppa Pio was dressing down and feeling fury inside himself, so I switched to being my spirit self after I touched his iTube play button and zapping his mind.
   "Who are you?" Poppa Pio questioned.
   "Hi Poppa Pio. I've been worried that you lost your fame over controversy. These girls don't deserve any attention, and your goal is to gobble up all of their fame and crush their ambitions. In order to win, I will disguise you as Munchivore and the main goal is to take sixteen constellions as a reward for your comeback. Deal?"
"Deal, Darkbird. Now I can prove how I can be the best internet chef ever in all of iTube history!" Poppa Pio turned into Munchivore.
Heather's POV:

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