This dream I once had

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Alright guys so this isn't a rant but I kinda just wanted to tell y'all this weird dream I had some days ago XD

So I was showing Mexico to 2 of my friends and I was showing them my "grandparent's house" (I put it in quotation marks because it didn't really look like their house). Then I was showing them around the cool stuff and food at the Mexican markets. But then we got separated and I started to look for them. (I got in a car with some people and they drove me around to look for them 😂)

As I was doing that, I suddenly started to get chased down by police because they were gonna deport me to the United States and I wanted to stay in Mexico 😭😭 (It's strange lol. Reverse deportation 😂).

So I started to run and hide at some house, particularly in their tall crops, but somehow the police found me and kept chasing me. Then I ran into some factory place where they were making kitchen appliances, I think? I don't know, but I kept running and they kept chasing. Then I climbed on some TALL refrigerator and kept jumping on them to avoid the police. But then they knocked them down like dominoes and I was gonna fall. But as I was in the air, Astro Boy came in and caught me. He started to fly away with me and then my freaking alarm rung so I never got to find out what happened next 😭😭

And so yea that was it. I kinda just wanted to share because the idea of getting deported to the United States from Mexico was funny and Astro was in it UwU 💙💙

Yoyoyoyo someone tell me about a funny dream they had 😂

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