Ep26: Another Day

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Here it is, folks! The highly anticipated next episode of Tyrus.....okay let's be honest no one was really waiting or caring for this.


Cyrus messed things up, big time!  He goes through the day, worried and annoyed with himself. Tj has no memory of the party, or what happened between him, Cyrus, and Natalie, which plays into Cyrus favor. Buffy and Marty unravel their news to their friends. Jonah ghosts Cyrus for the day, causing guilt levels to rise. During lunch, Tj texts Cy, asking if he wanted to talk after school. That's what you missed on Ep25! 


It's the end of the day. I texted Tj earlier saying that I would meet up after school. I'm nervous to say the least. I regret agreeing to see him. he's not mad at me now, but once I tell him the truth...He'll probably never speak to me again. 

I don't want to lose Tj. I like him. I like him a lot. After the two month rollercoaster, It'd be tragic to not be friends with him. He likes me too, though. He must. He kissed me at the party...multiple times. Would I like for that to happen again? Not going to lie, yes I would.

I'm walking to my locker, alone. Andi is staying after school for art class, and Buffy is with Marty. This means, that I'm all alone for my talk with Tj. Which just makes me even more nervous. 

"Cyrus, wait up!" Someone called out. I looked over and saw Amber walk up to my side and walk with me. Then a dark skined boy with a blonde stripe in his hair, walked up to her side. "Have you talked to Tj yet?"

"No, but I'm about to," I tell her. I then lean my head to the side a bit, whispering to her. "Who's the boy?" Amber giggles then nudges him.

"Yeah?" The boy asked her.

"Walker, meet Cyrus. Cyrus, meet Walker." The blonde smiles as she introduces us. Walker looks over at me and gives me a small wave. I wave back.

"You're friends with Andi, right?" I asked him.

"Yeah. We take art together." Amber snickered, causing us both to look at her, confused. "What's funny?"

"Cyrus thinks you're cute." The girl laughed. I smacked her arm from the response.

"Why would you say that?" I asked her.

"When you find someone attractive, you intertwine your hands together and keep them behind your back. You did the same thing with Jonah, Tj, and the Senior who was a TA for PE." She explained. I noticed that I was doing what she described and soon put my hands back to it's place.

"Is that true? You find me cute?" Walker asked, laughing a bit. I decided to answer honestly.

"Yes, I think you're really cute, but I already have a...person in my life."

"Hey, I get it. I kinda have eyes on someone as well. He's in my Study Hall."

"Walker and I are heading off to hang with other friends. See ya later." Amber exclaimed, leaving in the other direction, Walker following.


I made my way to the park and soon saw the blonde beauty. Tj. He was at the swing set, sitting in one the swings while he scrolled through his phone. I slowly made my way over.

I've been avoiding talking with him the whole day, and now it's time to tell him. Even if he gets mad at me, he deserves the truth.

"Hey," I muttered, softly. He looked up from his phone and gave me his cute smile.

"Hey there, how was your day?"

"It was fine, you?"

"Good. I'm just confused over the whole party. I shouldn't have drank, but I was being stupid an-"

"You were being a teenager, Tj. You're fine. As long as it isn't an addiction." I told him.

"It's not. That was only the second time I ever drank. The first was like, five months ago when my family was playing a game of truth or dare." We both laughed at his small story. I took a seat in the swing next to him and started to search for words.

"What happened at the party...wasn't exactly good." I stated. Tj looks over at me.

"Just tell me, Cy."

"You got drunk." I blurt out, trying to avoid the main issue.

"Well, the splitting headache earlier already gave that away. Thank god for Ibuprofen." He smiled.

"Umm...I might've talked to you while you were drunk, and got you to say some things." I admitted. That's when Tj's expression changed from a smile to a worried look.

"What did I say?"

"Well...you didn't exactly say anything, but you did...kiss me." I explained. I closed my eyes, waiting for yelling or something bad. After a moment of silence, I opened my eyes and looked at Tj who just sat there, staring at the ground with a neutral expression.

"I kissed you in front of Natalie, didn't I?" He asked me, breaking the silence.


"That's why she was messaging me those things."

"Are you mad?" I ask.

"No, uhh, I'm just thinking." The blonde said.

"Do you...like me?" I ask him, trying to get the elephant out of the room. He stood up from the swing.

"I'm not going to answer that,"

"So you are mad at me," I mutter. He looked over at me and shook his head no.

"I'm not mad, Cy. Things are complicated and I need time to myself. I still want to be friends, though." He explained.

"I'm tired of not having a proper answer to anything, Tj." I whined.

"You're asking me if I like you more than a friend." He stated. "I promise, I'll answer your question another day. I should probably go. My mom wants me to help her with dinner."

"Okay. As long as you keep your promise," I say as I stand up and walk over to him.

I look into his eyes for a brief moment before I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle my head into the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms arm my waist and squeezes me into his chest. After about five seconds, we separated from each other.

"See ya around," Tj smiled, before walking away. I watched him walk away, trying to wrap my mind around what just happened. He said he'll give me an answer some other day. Now, I just want that day to come.

To be continued....

Hey there! It's the author here! Sorry for taking so long to update, but I'm back from the dead, so let's party! I hope you liked this episode! Comment what you think about the newly introduced, Walker! See ya!

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