Chapter 4

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The moment I stepped into this monsters lair a monster who calls himself the Surgeon. I realized I was too late to save his latest victim. He did his so called "operation" on this woman who's blood dripped drop by drop off of a table made up of surgeons unbreakable material and the straps that were made of the same material. The woman was cut open by a buzz saw that had cut her open with blood all over it and some of the woman's organs taken out. The body was gushing blood as I stepped in the fresh wet blood that led a trail to a room. I tried to open the door but it was locked. I started beating on the door knowing I had to get to him and stop him. I kicked the door down and immediately surgeon grabbed his scalpel. "Hello there Metal claw I thought you would be looking for little snow" He said with a evil smile. "That's exactly why I'm here tell me everything you know and then your going to jail" I said. He immediately said "yes I do know where he is and I will help you track down Rusted claw I'll help you." I paused at this. Could I trust him. I do need help but this monster has killed so many that he deserves to go to a jail cell right away before he can kill again. I need as much help as I can get I realize and take his help. He quickly gathers his supply's all kinds of surgical tools and we walks through his hideout. There are shelfs with thousands of bloody hearts, vocal cords, intestines and so much more. We finally leave that place that no steroid place where so many people have died. He brings me to a building a monstrously tall building. It's Rusted claws building and he is at the top. This will likely be the death of me. Surgeon and me look at each other and walk through the open doors. He's waiting for me.

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