Chapter 5

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I walked into the room. It was dark, damp, and the walls were covered in blood. I had so many stories of the massive tower to climb up. Surgeon led me to a stair ways and ran up slicing through some of Rusted Claws thugs on his way up. I followed right behind this maniac thinking why I'm trusting him. We made it to a room one room below the location of Rusted Claw. I need to stop him or else more and more people are going to die. The stairs collapsed and me and surgeon knew we will have to climb up. As me and surgeon struggled climbing up to the room and seeing snow. Me and surgeon fought Rusted Claw and his friends and right after we had won the fight I felt something sharp stab me in the stomach. I've been stabbed.

Metal Claw: End Of The CityDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora