Its Just A Little Dancing

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"We should hang out." Killua said sounding robotic due to the bad phone microphone. He was currently talking to Kurapika about his plans for tomorrow. It took forever to finally get him on the phone but he had. He had previously called Leorio and tried to get ahold of Gon. He didn't answer his phone which was odd for him.

"Leorio has already agreed to it and it wouldn't be the same without you." He said trying to convince him.

"I guess I could, for the sake of the group. What about Gon? Is he going?"

"He didn't answer me. I'll call him again later; he normally answers me. If he doesn't by tomorrow than it's his loss I guess." Killua said a little disappointed.

"Mm, that is odd. I'm sure it's nothing, just busy. Yeah I'll be there tomorrow. See you later, Killua." And with that Kurapika hung up without allowing Killua to say bye. It was usual for Kurapika to hang up immediately.

Killua set his phone on the table and grabbed his keys to get the reservations for tomorrow nights hang out.


It was the day of the party. Well is was not exactly a party, more of a group up with everyone except Gon. He hadn't answered Killuas many, many calls so Killua decided to give up. He was now waiting outside the club they had gotten into. He saw a tall figure along with a shorter, but still pretty tall blonde haired person.

Killua got off the wall he was leaning on and walked towards them as to feign coldness. He would never admit he was excited to finally have everyone together, that was just uncalled for.

"Old man! Heyyyyy." Killua said as he waved.

"For the last time I'm not old!" Leorio shouted.

"I see you're as loud as ever." Killua replied sarcastically. Kurapika smiled at Killua giving him a hug. They all walked together talking about the things they've been doing since they last saw each other.


They were currently in the line waiting to get in.

"Were you able to get hold of Gon?" Kurapika asked while leaning on the wall of the building, his arms folded.

"No, surprisingly. He'd normally call me back once he had seen the calls. Maybe he's just got something to do or he broke his phone. I wouldn't doubt it." Everyone laughed remembering the smallest yet most impressionable character amongst their group.

"Yeah sounds like Gon all right. It kind of sucks that he couldn't make it though, it would have been so good to have the whole group back." Leorio announced loudly.

"Didn't know you could be such a sap." Killua retorted, bringing a laugh from Kurapika. Leorio glared at him and crossed his arms.

They finally reached the head of the line, showing their passes to the bouncer and telling him their names. They used code names because they were still high class Hunters and needed to keep that information out of the public eye.

The club on the inside wasn't as crowded as Killua thought it would be. It still had a fair amount of people waiting outside so he knew it would fill up. They traveled straight to the bar and ordered drinks, starting with hard beer and slowly getting into shots and higher class whiskey.

Leorio has gotten a little more than tipsy and was currently flirting with a still sober Kurapika. It was making him uncomfortable but he didn't mind too much. It was hilarious to watch how drunk he had gotten over a few drinks. It was hard for Kurapika to get drunk and almost impossible for Killua, being immune to poisons included alcohol.

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