Exam Buddies

104 1 15

GreenIdiot: heyyyoooooooooooo

FluffyAssassin: ...wut...

GreenIdiot: OMG! You actually answered..wow.

FluffyAssassin: you act like I never answer...

GreenIdiot: bc you don't...

FluffyAssassin: yes I do. I answer all ur calls baka.

LaysOreo: what's going on?

GreenIdiot: I figured I'd make a group chat for all of us to chat in. Like old times, aye?

LaysOreo: I see that but why?

GreenIdiot: bc I'm lonely and can't deal with the overwhelming stress of hating myself and the people around me...

LaysOreo: ...

FluffyAssassin: ...Gon?

GreenIdiot: IM KIDDING...kidding geez. You guys take everything so seriously (*゚▽゚*)

FluffyAssassin: well I can't read your expression to tell if your kidding or not baka. All I got is ur txt.

LaysOreo: yeah dude, scared the hell outta me.

GreenIdiot: fine fine...I won't do that...maybe

KuraPikachu: why.

GreenIdiot: why wut?

KuraPikachu: this is a bad idea. Why make a whole group chat with everyone when you could just talk to us irl.

GreenIdiot: bc I cant see you in person right now bc all u guys do is work and hunt ppl down and work moreeeee >~<

FluffyAssassin: that's bc we actually have to do stuff for The Association.

GreenIdiot: HEY! I do stuff for the association. It's just so borrrring without everyone there and I don't wanna drag u guys down so this is wut I did ab it.

KuraPikachu: makes sense i guess. But still...what if we're uncover and someone who currently isn't in grave danger decides to start an hour long conversation?

LaysOreo: that's what not taking ur phone to missions is for. Or maybe silence it.

KuraPikachu: ...fine ok you got me there. But I'm still against this...

FluffyAssassin: booooooo

GreenIdiot: yeah boooooooooooooo ^~^

KuraPikachu: are you just gonna sit here a boo me?

FluffyAssassin: maybe...

KuraPikachu: ok I'm out


KuraPikachu: ...fine...what's up?

GreenIdiot: Zushi got to be a floor master!

FluffyAssassin: wut? Really? That's so cool.

LaysOreo: who's Zushi?

GreenIdiot: hes one of me and kils friends from Heavens Arena. He got past all the floors and now owns his own. Isnt that awesome? We should go back sometime to meet up.

FluffyAssassin: 1. Don't call me that 2. Yeah we should. Sounds like a fun thing to do, though it'll be easy enough....wait.

GreenIdiot: don't call you wut? Also...wut?? Ahaha

FluffyAssassin: don't call me Kil...my family calls me that (`_')ゞ and...do you have your nen?

GreenIdiot: oh sorry ab that haha...also sorta. I mean it's back but not very strong. It was pretty damaged back then but maybe if I go through the matches then I'll be able to train is back, aye?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2019 ⏰

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