Theme songs and reactions

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Me: That just had to be the thing that pissed me off because how dare they change this beautiful theme song:

To this:

Angel 😇: The lyrics are kinda meaner in the second version.

Death 💀: Also Timmy has to share his fairies because out all the kids in the world who have fairies, Jorgen chooses Timmy.

Me: The thing that I found stupid was why she got fairies. She apparently helped a monster destroy her old town yet she has parents that pay attention to her and Mr. Crocker loves her and then Timmy has neglectful, uncaring, selfish parents, an evil babysitter, Francis who picks on him all the time and Crocker who gives him F's for stupid reasons. So why does she deserve Cosmo and Wanda? Answer: She bloody doesn't!

Death 💀: Yet people ship them.

Angel 😇: But they seem more like siblings with the adventures they go on.

Me: If I were to group these two humans, I would say #BestFriendsForAWeirdReason or #SiblingLove. Anything else is your choice, but I cannot forgive this character for ruining MY show.

Death 💀: You gotta admit that some reactions from people were funny when it came to the theme song.

Me: Lol that's true. Like this one:

Angel 😇: Or this one:

Death 💀: That made me laugh at how true that statement was.

Me: I don't hate the voice actor... I just hate that because of Chloe, this show immediately went south for me. I literally tried watching one episode, but immediately changed the channel as soon as it was over, but that's my opinion.

Angel 😇: Comment your opinion below on how it was when you watched the new episode of FOP of season 10.

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