Poof's birth

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Me: I loved that Poof didn't change the theme song even though he was just included in the video. The thing that improved was the brightness of colors in the video.

Death 💀: You have to admit that Poof wasn't exactly welcomed like Chloe...

Angel 😇: I know it's a cartoon, but how can someone hate on a baby! It's not his fault Cosmo and Wanda wanted a child!

Me: The other thing that didn't make sense... How is it that a male fairy carries and delivers the fairy baby?! Girls is obvious, but dudes... Really?

Death 💀: Then the birth of Foop...

Angel 😇: Man were Anti-Cosmo fans angry...

Me: Ikr?! Check out this meme I found:

Death 💀: *Laughing* They make a good point though

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Death 💀: *Laughing* They make a good point though...

Angel 😇: Also they saved FOP from being canceled.

Me: True, but to me it seemed that they explained, but at the same time didn't explain a lot of things.

Death 💀: Like?

Angel 😇: Like that Spellementary school teacher... Is she by any chance Fairy godmother's long lost daughter from Cinderella?

Me: Or if Cosmo and Wanda are there for Poof because they care and love him... Does that mean Anti-Cosmo and Anti-Wanda don't care for Foop? Or since Anti-Wanda loves Foop, does that mean Wanda secretly hates Poof?

Death 💀: Really you two? You need to sleep because right now you're asking strange questions.

Angel 😇: Fair point...

Me: Goodnight you guys!

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